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What is Baking?
It is a method of preparing food
using dry heat method or
enclosed device called “oven”.
Types of bread
1. Yeast Bread
2. Quick Bread
Ingredients in
making breads
A. Flour
 All-purpose flour
 Cake flour
 Bread flour
B. Leavener
 Baking soda
 Baking powder
 Yeast
Types of yeast
 Compressed yeast
Types of yeast
 Active dry yeast
This partially dehydrated,
granular yeast is the
more common variety of
yeast that you’ll see at
the grocery store. Active
dry yeast is sold in
packets or small jars and
provides an airy, light
Methods of Mixing
 Straight dough method
 Sponge dough method
 No-time dough method
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