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Guidance for Drama

Jelena Hajosevic
Introduction to Drama subject

 Drama is a compulsory subject for the MYP1 to MYP3 students,

followed by a choice of disciplines for MYP4 and MYP5.

 Drama in the MYP engages students in an active relationship with

theatre and encourages autonomous learning and exploration. It
encourages the growth of creative, reflective and communication
skills through practical work. Emphasis is placed on the artistic
process and the students’ understanding of this process.
Grading in Drama classes is based upon:
 Knowing & Understanding:
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of drama terminology, the history of
drama, and process of creating a play – from the initial idea to the stage performance.

 Developing Skills:
Students demonstrate development in the skills and techniques of the art form studies, as well
as in demonstrating the application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art.

 Thinking Creatively:
Students demonstrate unique and personal creativity in the development of ideas for artwork
and process journal assignments. They also demonstrate the exploration of ideas and a range and
depth of creative-thinking behaviour.

 Responding:
Students perform a play, as their final product. They objectively criticize their work, as well as
peers’ work and they also evaluate its success. Students also identify areas where their work could
be improved.
Formative and summative assessments
Within Drama subject, students will be assessed in two ways:

 Formative assessments include working on Journal (for MYP 1 and 2), process
portfolio (for MYP 3), art analysis, vocabulary and drama games and assignments,
skill practice, developing ideas, proactive approach to the class and assessments.
 Summative assessments include final performances at the end of every unit
(three units in this school year), Journal/Process portfolio and assignments.

Also, student can be not assessed (NA), due to several reasons:

 Student did not submit his work on time;
 Student copied or plagiarized work.
Thank you!

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email:

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