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Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of

Communication Aids

Communication Aids
These are viasula support the presenters used to make
their presentation interesting and effective.
refers to Augmentative and Alternative Communication
(AAC System)
2 types of AAC system
• Unaided communication - does not use additional equipment or
• Aided communication - uses equipment, but this ranges from
low-tech to high-tech methods
* pictures and symbols often used
Communication Strategies
• Communication is the exchange of information between a
sender and a receiver.
Types of Communication Strategies
• Verbal - describe any type of interaction that make use of
spoken words. Verbal communication strategies can be broken
down into the two categories of written and oral
• Non-Verbal - use of body language, facial expression and other
• Visual - can be seen through signs, web pages and illustrations
Using Tools of Technology
• Multimedia - is content that uses a combination of different
content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video
and interactive content
Example of Multimedia
• Flip Chart
• White & Chalk Board
• Handouts
• Digitak Slide
* Google slide
* Powerpoint
Guidelines to Make a Good Presentation
• Photos and Illustrations
• Selecting a font, font size and color
• Use Headers and Titles
• Sound, Video and Music

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