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Nitrogen constitutes nutrisi most necessary for

plant for growing and effloresce.

4 trick of plant to get Nitrogen:

a. Additional ammonia and/or nitrate of manure
b. Process organic's material decomposition,
c. Atmospheric nitrogenic conversion into mixed
material as thunder
d. Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen Cycle

• Nitrification
• Asimilation
• Amonification
• Denitrification
• Nitrogen Fixation
Peran siklus nitrogen
1. constitutes one of nutrisi most importantly to crop
plant and reproduction.
2. Nitrogenic content and supply goes to earth and a
loss nitrogen of earth determine production and
carried on plant.
3. Chlorophyll constitutes nitrogen and in consequence
momentous to photosynthesis.
4. It also constitute essential element of plant and
protein animal.
Nitrogen fixation process
Nitrogen fixation is physical process, biologis or
abiotik what does change nitrogen in midair as
ammonia (NH3).

Trick to convert nitrogen element at

1. Biologi’s fixation
2. Industry Fixation
3. Fossil fuel burn
4. Other process
Mechanism of nitrogen fixation in rizobium
Asam amino
Amino acids including the classes of
compounds most widely studied because of one
very important function in the organism, ie as
the building blocks of protein.

Amino acids structure:

Essential Amino Acid
an amino acid that can not produced by the body
own , so it must be obtainable from the consumption
of food

The type of essensial amino acid:

1. Leucine 5. Tryptophan
2. Metionin 6. Isoleucine
3. Threonin 7. Valine
4. Phenylalanin 8. Lycine
Amino Acid Non-essential

An amino acid that can be produced by the body

that is a priority for the lower compared with the
essential amino acid

The type of non-essensial amino acid:

1. Aspartic Acid
2. Glycine
3. Alanin
4. Serin
Essential amino acid group conditional
an amino acid non-esensia, but at a certain point ,
as after exertion load that hard, production in the
body not as fast as and not as much as necessary and
should be obtained from food and protein supplement

The type of non-essensial amino acid:

1. Arginin 5. Glutamin
2. Histidine 6. Tirosin
3. Cystine 7. Taurine
4. Glutamic Acid 8. Ornithine
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