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Nell Boylan

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are
expecting to give - which is everything.”
- Katharine Hepburn
VIA definition

The degree to which you value close relationships with people, and contribute to that
closeness in a warm way.
● Attachment
● Compassionate
● Companionate
● Romantic
How I Show Love

● Getting to know new people Evidence

● Having deep conversations with friends
● Giving hugs - Love of adventure
- Love of friendships
- Learning Love from others

- Smiling at everyone I pass

- Holding the door for strangers
Love of Adventure

New Orleans, LA

J-term 2020

- I gained a love for service and nature

- The memories I made from this trip have
always put a smile on my face:)

After knowing my friends for almost 8 years, they

have taught me about this deep companionate love
because no matter how many years pass we always
try to make time to see each other.

- Acceptance
- Humor
- Listening
- Trust
- Valuing our time together
Continuing to Learn

I continue to learn love everyday from my mom and

our relationship has grown stronger throughout these
past few years.

- Phone calls and texts she sends to my siblings

and I.
- Her positive outlook on life

How do you try to show love or kindness towards others?

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