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Grupo: I-301

Proyecto de
Maestra: Lucía Valdez Padrón
Alumno: Kevin Mendoza Vargas
The bakery
RULE 1: You must be responsible in your bakery
RULE 2: You must have good hygiene in the bakery
RULE 3: You must clean your work area
RULE 4: You must be shaved from your
face to be able to work in the bakery
RULE 5: You must be careful while you are in the
RULE 6: You must have
all your work materials in
RULE 7: You don't have to go to the bakery with makeup
RULE 8: You don't have to smoke in the
RULE 9: You don't have to have your tools messy
RULE 10: You don't have to remove
your hairnet at the bakery
RULE 11: You don't have
to eat at the bakery
RULE 12: You don't have
to treat the bakery
customers badly

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