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LESSON 5: Stacks


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CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Stack Representation
 Two ways to represent a stack
 insertion, deletion, and retrieval are done from the last element in the array
 used when the maximum size of the stack is known.

1. Doubly-Linked List Representation

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Stack Operations

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Example 1: Function calls

Stacks: used by computers to process function calls and their returns

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Function Calls
When PROC1 begins executing, the stack will contain:

When FUNC1 is invoked by PROC1:  

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Function Calls
 When FUNC1 will reference FUNC2, the stack will contain the following

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Function Calls
The stack will now contain:

The stack will now have the following information:

Ø Once FUNC1 has completed, the same

procedure will be performed by the system to
return processing to PROC1.

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Example 2: Evaluation of Expressions

 An expression is made up of operands and operators.
 The operations to be performed on the operands are described by the
associated operator.

This expression has 5 operands: A,B,C,D and E and uses 3 operators: *, +, and /.

Four basic operators


CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Evaluation of Expressions
* and / - have equal precedence
+ and - have equal precedence
In evaluating any given expression, operators with a higher precedence are
processed first. When two adjacent operators in an expression have the same
precedence, evaluation is performed from left-to-right.

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Evaluation of Expressions
Any expression within a pair of parentheses will have the highest precedence and
will be evaluated first.

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Evaluation of Expressions

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

POSTFIX Notation

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

POSTFIX Notation

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

POSTFIX Notation

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 5: Stacks

Determine the output of the Postfix algorithm when the following expressions
are used as input.

CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm
LESSON 1: Orientation and Course Introduction


CC103 - Data Structure and Algorithm

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