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The Contemporary World:

globalization and society


Unit 1
The Philippines Today:
The Contemporary Characteristic of Philippine
Society Transformed by Globalization
Philippine Facts
Archipelago with a tropical climate and a mountainous terrain
Located a little above the equator and bounded by the Pacific Ocean, the
China Sea and the Celebes Sea
Lies some 600 miles southeast of the coast of mainland Asia and is strung
on the north south axis, bounded by China to the north and Indonesia and
North Kalimantan to the south
Geographic position of the Philippines makes the Filipino people literally
close to the center of the world proletarian revolution and part of a gigantic
wave of a powerful revolutionary movements in Southeast Asia
Consists of 7,100 islands and islets with a total land area of 115,000 square
Annual rate of 3.5% increase in population
Generated by several racial stocks – Malay (85%), Arab, Indian, Spanish,
American and Negrito
Philippine Facts
Aboriginal inhabitants of the Philippines were the Aetas or Negritoes,
small black people, who first came to the Philippines on land bridges
about 25,000 to 30,000 years ago in the Pleistocene era
First Indonesian wave of immigrants who came bringing with them
an early stone age culture from Southeast Asia about 5,000 to 6,000
years ago
Second Indonesian wave came about 1,500 B.C. from Indochina and
south China bringing with them a late neolithic or bronzecopper culture
The 10% national minorities who inhabited the greater part of the
archipelago have been principally part of by christian chauvinism and
employed by Spanish colonialism and US imperialism
More than 100 languages and dialects. The nine most widely spoken
are Tagalog, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Sugbuhanon, Bicol, Pampango,
Pangasinan, Samarnon, and Maguindanao
Philippine Facts
Aboriginal (indigenous/native) inhabitants of the Philippines were the
Aetas or Negritoes, small black people, who first came to the Philippines
on land bridges about 25,000 to 30,000 years ago in the Pleistocene era
First Indonesian wave of immigrants who came bringing with them an
early stone age culture from Southeast Asia about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago
Second Indonesian wave came about 1,500 B.C. from Indochina and
south China bringing with them a late neolithic or bronzecopper culture
The 10% national minorities who inhabited the greater part of the
archipelago have been principally part of by christian chauvinism and
employed by Spanish colonialism and US imperialism
More than 100 languages and dialects. The nine most widely spoken are
Tagalog, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Sugbuhanon, Bicol, Pampango, Pangasinan,
Samarnon, and Maguindanao
The Philippines Today – Filipino Society

Catholicism is predominant
Devotion to Mary and other Patrons and Patroness of the
Filipino Church has been a mission church for 400 years
(taking care of 83% catholic which 70% living below the
poverty line)
Semi-colonial and Semi-feudal
Status is determined by U.S. imperialism, feudalism and
bureaucrat capitalism which now ruthlessly exploit the broad
masses of the Filipino people
The semi-colonial character of Philippine society is
principally determined by U.S. imperialism

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