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Here is where our
class begins
What’s an imperative verb?
It is a bossy verb!

It gives you an order and tells you what to do.

It’s always stated in the simple presente and the

sentence pattern is:
V + (O)

Put the pizza in the oven.
Open the box.
Negative form
The negative form of imperative verbs also follow the negative
simple presente, second person singular form (do + not +verb). It’s often
contracted to don’t +verb.

Do not run.
Don’t fight.
Don’t cry.
We use the imperative to give instructions

Put the spaghetti dish in the oven.

We use the imperative to give orders.

Don’t eat in the class!

We use the imperative to offer something.

Have a snack.
We use the imperative to make a request.

Sign this form, please.

Example 1
This meme has imperative verb?
This meme has imperative verb?
This meme has imperative verb?
This meme has imperative verb?
This meme has imperative verb?
Example 2
Example 2
A) Check B) To think C) Search

D) To look out E) To read F) Beware

1) Past the headline.

2) The publish date and time.
3) For questionable quotes and photos.
4) Before you share.
5) If other News outlets are reporting it.
6) Confirmation bias.

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