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Clothing store.

Silver Deer Polanco,Méx.

Salesperson:Hello sir, can I help
Customer: No thanks, I’m just
Customer: No, actually, Have
you got this jacket in different
Salesperson: Yes we have it in
Black, brown.
Customer:Can you bring me a
Black and brown one please?
Salesperson:Right away. What size
are you?
Customer: I'm 34, Can I try it on?
Salesperson:Of course, the fitting
room is here. But we only have
black jackets in size 34
Customer:No problem. Bring it to
me.(Entra a probársela)
Salesperson: How does it fit?
Customer: Excellent… I’ll take it.
Salesperson 1: Ok… please pay at
the cash desk, I’ll accompany you.
(Llegan a la caja…)
Salesperson 2: (En la caja) Would
you like to pay by credit card or in
cash, sir?
Customer: With visa card. Sorry I
only have a 100 dollar note… is
that okay?
Salesperson: No problem, it’s $100.
Here’s your change and your
receipt, you have fourteen days to
return it if you want a refund.
Customer: Ok, thanks very much.
Have a nice day.

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