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Observe the photos and complete the

activity using the verbs in the box in the

PAINT – EAT – HAVE – OPEN – correct form.
DRIVE 1. She is looking forward to _________
RELAX – GO – CHAT – GET - her birthday present.
1 2
WATCH 2. He’s a baseball fan. He really enjoys
__________ his face to support his
3. I used to ____3A_____ my own car, and
4 now I have to use the bus. I don’t mind
3 ____3B____ to university this way, but
it would be great ____3C_____ a bike
or a car.
4. When we were children, we used to
____4A_____ cartoons on tv. Now we
prefer ___4B___ with our friends on
the computer.
6 5. I’m not a vegetarian, and even when I
don’t mind ____5A_____ a salad for
5 lunch today, I’d love ___5B____ a great
6. My friend Max is thinking of
__________ near the ocean on a
hammock. It sounds nice!
Answers on the next slide…
Observe the photos and complete the
activity using the verbs in the box in the
PAINT – EAT – HAVE – OPEN – correct form.
DRIVE 1. She is looking forward to OPENING her
RELAX – GO – CHAT – GET - birthday present.
1 2
WATCH 2. He’s a baseball fan. He really enjoys
PAINTING his face to support his team.
3. I used to DRIVE my own car, and now I
have to use the bus. I don’t mind
4 GOING to university this way, but it
3 would be great TO GET a bike or a car.
4. When we were children, we used to
WATCH cartoons on tv. Now we prefer
TO CHAT with our friends on the
5. I’m not a vegetarian, and even when I
don’t mind HAVING a salad for lunch
6 today, I’d love TO EAT a great
5 6. My friend Max is thinking of RELAXING
near the ocean on a hammock. It
sounds nice!
Do you want to check out more of my


 Thanks!
 What do you usually avoid doing when you travel?
 What exciting activity have you dared to do during a trip?
 What are you thinking of doing on your next vacations?
 Is there any food you keep from eating when you are away?
 What do you need to pack before you travel?
 Why did you decide to study on Saturdays?
 What do you prefer to do in your free time?
 Is there a place where you can’t help going? Why? (can’t help = can’t stop)
 Are there any activities you refrain from doing in your leisure time? (refrain from = avoid)

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