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Comprehension questions:
- Why did Wendi (the author) insist on having a
small diamond for the engagement ring?
- What is mentioned about the opal, her birthstone?
- What contrast is mentioned between her own
ring, and what Americans expect to be the norm
for an engagement ring?
- What happened at the party?
- What new words did you find? Did you translate
them, search the meaning or get the meaning by
Floyd “Money”
Opinion questions: Mayweather, a
professional boxer,
What similarities can you draw between
showing off part of
Wendi’s story and Mayweather’s
his incomes. He
attitude? doesn’t donate money
to charities.
Money Idioms
Ivanka Trump
is the daughter
of a millionaire
tycoon. She was
born with a
silver spoon in
her mouth.

Even though it’s
unusual as a job,
painting artistic
pictures is Peter’s
??? butter, as
bread and
he doesn’t have
another salary.

They were so in-debt that they

had no choice but to break the
bank and
???pay as much as they
Every time
Federer and
Nadal play,
they give each
other a run for
their money.

They can’t buy a
car, but at least
they are able to
keep the wolf
from the door.
Rick still doesn’t use the exercise
machine he bought 3 months ago. That
purchase was as good as pouring
money down the drain.

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