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Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park

The Sierra Nevada National Park is in south of the Iberian Peninsula, forming part of the
Cordilleras Béticas, in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. Southeast of the city of
Granada, shared by the provinces of Granada and Almería, in Andalusia. It comprises both
the Sierra Nevada National Park (created in 1999) and the Sierra Nevada Natural Park
(created in 1989). Around the national park is located the natural park. All of the two
protected áreas total 171,829 hectares. Within this park is the Sierra Nevada Observatory,
and the ski resort
Some of the mountain peaks exceed 9000 meters above sea level.

- the wild goat, usually graze in the high mountain sheep.

- numerous species of small birds, a significant number of raptors and various species of
invertebrates including more than 120 species of butterflies

the wild goat Common Fox(red) Wildcat

Lone rocker ladder snake Ocelled lizard

Melitaea deione

It has 2100 listed plant species, 116 of which are highly threatened. One of the most
emblematic endemic species in the Sierra Nevada is the snow star (Plantago nivalis).

Snow Star royal chamomile enebro bush

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