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What was life like

in Viking Britain?
By Daniella Deyak
Who were the Vikings?

The Viking age in European history was from about AD700 to 1100.
During this period many Vikings left their homelands in Scandinavia
Where did the Vikings settle in Britain?

travelled from Scandinavia to Britain. They mostly settled in the Danelaw, to the north and east of E
The Vikings were
not all
raiders. Some
came to fight, but
others came to
Britain to live
What jobs did Vikings do?

Many Vikings worked as farmers. Other Vikings were craft workers.

Where did Vikings live?
Many Viking families lived together in a longhouse. This was built from wood
or stone and had a thatched or turf roof on top.
Did the Vikings have laws?

The Norse people had their own laws and

government. The community would
gather together at a meeting called a
a law-speaker Thing.
What was Viking society like?

-At the top of

Viking society
was the king
-Below the king
were the nobles
or wealthy
Vikings known as
-Then there were
the karls. -At the
bottom of the pile
were the thralls
or enslaved

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