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Review 2

5-6. Collecting Evidence

Which item must be placed in a Faraday bag
immediately after seizure?

A. SD cards
B. Thumb drive
C. Hard disk
D. Cell phone
E. Laptop
Which item of evidence is the most volatile?

A. Deleted files on a hard disk

B. Downloads in progress
C. Archival data
D. Data stored in the cloud
E. USB thumbdrive data
If a suspect is using encryption, which data
below is likely to be lost if the device is powered

A. Cell phone
B. USB thumb drive
C. Contents of RAM
D. Laptop hard drive
E. All of the above
Which is the first step done by a forensic
examiner who arrives at a crime scene?

A. Take photographs
B. Label devices
C. Take notes
D. Fill out Chain of Custody form
E. Remove extra people
Joe is making a clone of the evidence drive onto
a target drive. Which of these is not a good

A. Forensically wipe target drive first

B. Use antivirus to scan the forensic workstation
C. Use antivirus to scan the evidence drive
D. Use a hardware write-blocker
E. Calculate the MD5 hash
You find a laptop at a crime scene with a dead
battery. What type of acquisition should you

A. Live acquisition in a laboratory

B. Static acquisition in a laboratory
C. Live acquisition at the scene
D. Static acquisition at the scene
E. They are all equally useful
You find a cell phone at a crime scene with a
low battery, and no charger is available. What
type of acquisition should you perform?

A. Live acquisition in a laboratory

B. Static acquisition in a laboratory
C. Live acquisition at the scene
D. Static acquisition at the scene
E. They are all equally useful
7-8. Windows System Artifacts
Which type of data is created when a laptop lid
is closed?

A. Deleted data
B. Hiberfil
C. Page file
D. Registry
E. Metadata
Which type of data must be reconstructed with
file carving?

A. Thumbnails
B. MRU list
C. Restore points
D. Deleted data
E. Metadata
Where is the identity of the last-logged-in user

A. MRU list
B. Hiberfil
C. Page file
D. Registry
E. Metadata
Where is the Modified timestamp for a file

A. MRU list
B. Hiberfil
C. Page file
D. Registry
E. Metadata

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