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what is Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is butterfly shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower
front of the neck . The thyroid’s job is to make thyroid hormone which is secreted in to the
blood and then carried to every tissue in the body Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy
stay warm and keep brain heart muscles and other organ working as they should.
 Definition. Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an overactive thyroid gland is
producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones that circulate in the blood hyper mean
over in Greek thyroid hormone include thyroxine T4 triiodothyronine T3 is actually
the most active thyroid hormone.
Graves diseases . Multi-nodular diseases . Subacute thyroiditis . Pituitary disease . Ingestion of
food containing thyroid hormone . High dietary iodine intake or very low dietary intake.
Genetic factor.

A Goiter is an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland . Thyroid is butterfly shaped
gland located at the base f the neck . Goiter are usually painless a large goiter can cause a
cough and make it difficult for you to swollen or breath
clinical Manifestation
 Symptoms and their severity depend upon duration and extent of thyroid hormone excess
and the age of the individual may experience. Nervousness and irritability .
Palpitation and tachycardia. Tremor. Weight loss or gain increase in appetite . Frequent
bowel movement or diarrhea , lower led swelling sudden paralysis . Shortness f breath
with exertion . Decrease the menstrual flow. Sleep disturbance
Change in vision .
Photophobia or light sensitivity. Eye irritation with excess tears. Diplopia or double vision .
Fatigue and muscle weakness Exophthalmos or forward protrusion of the eye ball
Radioactive iodine. Taken by mouth radioactive iodine is absorbed by thyroid gland where it
causes the gland to shrink and symptoms to subside usually with in there to six month.

Anti thyroid medication. These medication gradually reduce symptoms f hyperthyroidism by

preventing your thyroid gland from producing excess amount of hormones they include.
Prophylthiouracil and methimazole tapazole Symptoms usually begin improve in 6 to 12 week
but treatment with anti thyroid medication typically continues at least a year and often longer
Beta blocker. These drug are commonly used to treat high blood pressure they wont’s reduce
your thyroid level but they can reduce rapid heart rate and help prevent palpitation Side effect
include. Constipation diarrhea or dizziness
1 History and physical examination .
2 Ophthalmic examination.
3 ECG arterial tachycardia.
4 Thyroid function test.
5 Thyroid releasing hormone stimulating
Surgical Management
Surgical treatment of thyroid disease general several surgical option exist for treating thyroid
disease and choose of procedure depend upon two main factor. The first is the type and extent
of thyroid disease. The second is the anatomy of the thyroid gland itself the most commonly
performed procedure include. thyroidectomy and total thyroidectomy
Definition . Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is not able to
produce enough thyroid hormone . Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to run the
body metabolism it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms
associated with a slow metabolism
Epidemiology. World about one billion people are estimated to be iodine deficient however
it is unknown how often this resulting hypothyroidism . In large population based studied in
western countries with sufficient dietary iodine 0.3 – 0.4 percent of population have over
hypothyroidism women are more likely to be develop hypothyroidism then man
Risk factor
Although anyone can develop hypothyroidism you are at increase risk if you are a women
older than age 60 . Have an autoimmune disease . Have a family history f thyroid disease .
Have other autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus a chronic inflammatory
condition . Have been treated with radioactive iodine or anti thyroid medication
Cause of hypothyroidism
Medication. A number of medication can cause hypothyroidism lithium which is used to treat
certain psychiatric disorder can also affect the thyroid gland. Genetic Dysfunction. The
thyroid gland may also dysfunction at birth or may fail at some phase in adult life.
Pervious thyroid surgery. Removal of a large
portion at the entire thyroid gland may reduce or stop the process of thyroid hormone
production. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is also known as chronic
lymphocytic thyroiditis Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease in which thyroid
gland is gradually destroy Early on symptoms may not be noticed over time the thyroid
may enlarge forming a painless goiter
Symptoms feeling tired . Constipation . Depression . And general pain
sign and symptoms
Hypothyroidism sign and symptoms include.
Fatigue . Increase sensitivity to cold . Constipation . Dry skin . Weight gain . Puffy face .
Muscle weakness. Elevated the blood cholesterol level . Muscle aches tenderness and
stiffness . Pain stiffness . Swelling in your joint pain . Thinning hair. Slowed heart rate .
Depression. Impaired memory. Heavier than normal r irregular menstrual periods.
1 History and physical examination
2 Serum T3 normal value =110 to 230. T4 normal value =12.5 to 5
3 Serum cholesterol .
5 Serum TSH test
Thyroid hormone replacement . Monitor thyroid hormone level and adjusted dosage.
Nutritional therapy for promote the weight loss.
parathyroid hormone
 Definition . Parathyroid hormone also called parathormone or parathyrin is a hormone
secreted by a parathyroid glands that regulates the serum calcium concentration through its
effects on bone kidney and intestine. FUNCTION OF PARATHYROID
The parathyroid hormones stimulate the following function. Release of calcium by bones in
to the blood stream Absorption of calcium from food by the intestine conservation of calcium
by the kidney

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