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Poem on Pollution

Air and water vitalize our body and mind,

These are essential elements we are to find.
Nature has provided us for lives to lead,
It is wish of God we must have perfect deed.

Air is polluted by smoke from running vehicle

And from chimney of factories those are fickle.
Smoke from cigarettes dejects and injuries health,
Health is very important and it is our wealth.

Rivers and ocean and lakes all around,

Just search one of them and trash can be found.

The water gets murky, Its dangerous to drink

Look at the water, that comes out of your sink.

Water won’t clear till we take good care,

Keep the earth healthy, It won’t kill you I swear.

Sound is also polluted in our surrounding environment.

Mike, Fire work and band party do pollute sound
Pollution of words also crates fuss in reading,
Always avoid pollution and be ahead in leading.
Alysa Gupta

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