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• The name “chikungunya” derives from a word in the

Kimakonde language, meaning “to become contorted”.

• Is zoonotic disease caused by the Chikungunya virus
(CHIKV); it is transmitted by infected Aedes spp
• Chikungunya is listed on the WHO Blueprint priority
pathogens because in the past 5 years an alarming and
unprecedented increase in spread to over 100
• Genus alphavirus; family Togaviridae
• positive-sense RNA genome
• 11.5 kb in length
• Component :
1. the capsid
2. two envelope glycoproteins, E1 (initiates
the release of nucleocapsids into the
host-cell cytoplasm) and E2 (cellular
receptors to initiate cell entry
Chikungunya virus was first isolated after a
1952–1953 epidemic in present-day
Tanzania. The unprecedented magnitude of
these outbreaks was probably influenced by
several factors: increased air travel, which
permitted rapid spread; the previous lack of
exposure of human populations in the
Indian Ocean basin and South Asia; further
urbanization in most of the tropics, with
denser human and urban mosquito
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
• The incubation period of between 1 and 12 days is followed by an
abrupt onset of high fever, nausea, polyarthralgia, myalgia,
widespread skin rash, and conjunctivitis
• Klinis (sangat prediktif di daerah endemic) + Lab : limfopenia, trombositopenia, peningkatan
AST/ALT, hipokalsemia
• Serologis tes by ELISA: IgM (dari hari ke-5 hingga beberapa bulan stlh onset), IgG (fase
• Diagnosis definitive : RT-PCR
• Kultur virus chikungunya (tidak rutin)
• virus chikungunya menargetkan fibroblas di dermis  dikendalikan dengan cepat oleh respons
interferon tipe I menyebar secara sistemik, menyebabkan viremia dan ledakan replikasi virus di hati
dan replikasi intens di otot, sendi, dan fibroblas kulit. pada fase akut infeksi virus chikungunya,
tempat fokus gejala biasanya terinfeksi, terutama otot rangka virus chikungunya juga menyebar ke
sistem saraf pusat (SSP): menginfeksi pleksus koroid, mencapai cairan serebrospinal, dan
menginfeksi sel meningeal dan ependymal yang menyelubungi SSP

• interaksi virus chikungunya dengan monosit dan makrofag memainkan peran penting dalam respon
inflamasi selama fase akut dan kronis penyakit sel-sel myeloid mungkin terlibat dalam pembersihan
puing-puing sel yang terinfeksi, yang dapat memicu respons proinflamasi terkait dengan nyeri sendi

Belum ada terapi khusus untuk mengobati atau vaksin untuk mencegah demam chikungunya :

• Pengurangan genangan air : halaman belakang, wadah sampah

• pengendalian vektor nyamuk : larvasida, pelepasan transgenik A. aegypti yang direkayasa untuk
membawa sistem genetik, penggunaan bakteri Wolbachia (mengurangi kompetensi vector)
• membatasi kontak antara nyamuk yang terinfeksi dan manusia : mengenakan pakaian pelindung,
memakai lotion antinyamuk, memasang tirai + insektisida tempat tidur, jendela rumah
• traveling to countries with chikungunya virus, use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants,
and stay in places with air conditioning or that use window and door screens.
• Treatment is supportive and there is no specific antiviral treatment
and no effective vaccines. The treatment is focused on relieving
the disease symptoms.
• Treat the symptoms:
• Get plenty of rest.
• Drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
• Take medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or paracetamol
to reduce fever and pain.
• Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDS until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of
• Komplikasi selama fase akut, termasuk konjungtivitis, uveitis, iridosiklitis, dan retinitis (jarang dan
• Komplikasi berat: ensefalopati dan ensefalitis, miokarditis, hepatitis, dan kegagalan multiorgan
(pada lansia dan individu dengan komorbid, hamil)

• Severe disease occurs in neonates exposed during pregnancy, the

elderly, and those with comorbid diabetes, renal, liver, and heart
• Most patients recover fully from the infection, but in some cases
joint pain may persist for several months, or even years. Once
an individual is recovered, they are likely to be immune from
future infections
• Scott C. Weaver. 2015. Virus and the Global Spread of a Mosquito-
Borne Disease Massachusetts Medical Society The new england
journal o f medicinethe Institute for Human Infections and Immunity
and Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch,
• Chikungunya fact sheet (
• Virus Herpes simpleks merupakan famili alpha herpes virus.
• DNA virus
• HSV-1 is the chief cause of orolabial herpes.
• genital herpes was more likely to be caused by HSV-2.
Pathophysiology Primary HSV infection results from a
previously unexposed person having close contact with
someone who is actively shedding the virus from skin or
secretions. There may be a prodrome of hours to days
consisting of pain, tingling, itching, or burning at the site of
exposure. Epithelial damage at the portal of entry leads to
eruption of vesicles that open, ulcerate, and reepithelialize
during an outbreak that lasts about two weeks. During initial
infection, viral DNA travels by axon to the spinal cord sensory
ganglion where it persists for life.8 Reactivation of HSV causes
migration back through the axon, its branches, or contralateral
axons to the skin and mucosa.11
predileksi lesi kulit pada herpes simpleks
1. wanita adalah di labia minora,
introitus, meatus uretra, dan serviks
2. laki-laki yaitu di batang dan glans
penis atau perineum, paha dan
bokong pada pria dan wanita.5
Sumber kepustakaan menyebutkan bahwa erupsi kulit herpes
genitalis berupa gerombolan vesikel di atas kulit yang
kemerahan. Vesikel atau pustul tersebut muncul pada hari ke 1-
6. Vesikel tersebut mudah pecah dan menimbulkan erosi atau
ulkus (wet ulcer) kecil yang multipel hari ke 6-12, dan pada hari
• Gejala klinis herpes simpleks genitaliskekhas,
12-20berupa vesikeldan
lesi menyembuh berkelompok,
berbentuk krusta diatas dasar
eritematosa, umumnya bersifat rekuren
• Gejala sistemik muncul dini berupa demam, nyeri kepala, malaise, dan mialgia.
Gejala lokal utama berupa nyeri, gatal, rasa terbakar, disuria, duh tubuh vagina, atau
uretra serta pembesaran dan rasa nyeri pada kelenjar getah bening inguinal

• Diawali oleh gejala prodromal yaitu demam, rasa sakit, kesemutan (tingling) dan
gatal yang terjadi sebelum timbulnya lesi. Lesi awal berupa papula eritem dan akan
berubah menjadi lepuh berisi cairan yang dikenal sebagai vesikel. Vesikel kemudian
pecah dan menjadi ulser yang terasa sakit dan kemudian sembuh melalui proses
• karena perbedaan anatomi yang menyebabkan luas permukaan
mukosa di area genital yang terkena pada wanita lebih besar
dibanding pada pria sehingga persepsi yang lebih tinggi dari
ketidaknyamanan terhadap lesi lebih tinggi pada wanita dibandingkan
pada pria
• anamnesis,
• pemeriksaan fisik,
• emeriksaan laboratorium
• PCR for active lesion
• Serologic test may be useful if there is a history of suggestive
symptoms but no lesions are present or polymerase chain reaction
assay results are negative, or when the patient’s partner is infected

• The question of possible immunisation is often raised not only by

doctors but also by many patients affected by herpes genitalis. To date,
however, there is no licensed vaccine against herpes genitalis, though
research has been ongoing for a number of decades.
• Pengobatan secara dini dan tepat dapat memberikan prognosis yang
lebih baik, yaitu masa penyakit berlangsung lebih singkat dan angka
kejadian rekurensi menurun
• Pasien harus disarankan untuk kontrol ulang
• tidak melakukan hubungan seksual selama lesi dan gejala masih ada,
• pemakaian kondom serta memeriksakan pasangan seksualnya.

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