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 Measuring accuratelyis probably the most important cooking skill in the

kitchen. Excellent baked products result of correct measuring

Tools used for Measuring Liquid and Dry Ingredients .

Measuring spoons and cups

Graduated meaduring glass/ cup

Weighing scale


Oven thermometer
Basic Guide to Measure Basic Ingredients

1. Stir flour in storage bag or can.

2. Spoon flour from the container into measuring cup. Do not shake.

3. Level off the flour even with spatula or pallete knife. Do not used meaduring
cup to scoop flour.

4. Lay the flat edge against the top of the measuring cup.

5. Draw the flat portion across the flour perfectly smooth on the top of the flour.

6. Take few passes over the top of the flour to get the accurate measure.
 Baking Soda

 1. Stir container.

 2. Using measuring spoon , lightly scoop out from the container.

 3. Use knife or spatula to level off even the top edge of the measuring
 z

 Sugar is meadured by scooping the cup into the container or bag until it is over

 1. Dip the measuring cup into the sugar container.

 2. Hold the measuring cup over the sugar container to catch spills.

 3. Use a kitchen knife with a straight edge.

 4. Level off sugar by dragging across a top of the

 cup.

 Liquid Ingredients

 It needs to be measured eye level. Using a liquid measuring cup, piur the
liquid into the cup. Then bend over so you are on same level with the
measuring marks. The liquid should be at rhe right mark, not over or below.

Semi- Liquid Ingredients

 Like sour cream, peanut butter, margarine, chocolate syrup, and yogurt are
measured using dry measuring cup such as individual cups, spoons,
teaspoons, weighing scale beecause they are too thick to be accirately
measured in liquid cups. Level off ingredients with the back of a knife or
palette knife.

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