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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidence: Your next holiday destination / Evidencia: Su próximo destino de vacaciones

In a recording describe your perfect holiday destination using superlative adjectives. Use the format below
to describe them. / Grábese describiendo su próximo destino de vacaciones usando adjetivos en forma de
superlativos. Emplee la tabla dada a continuación a manera de ejemplo para realizar dicha descripción.

Destination I recommend you

Description It is … it has
Activities to do There you can
People People are
Places to visit You can visit
Traditional food You can eat
Example / Ejemplo:

The next text is an example. The blue words are the ones you have to replace in order to make your own
description. / El siguiente texto es un ejemplo. Las palabras azules son las que debe reemplazar para así
realizar su propia descripción.

I recommend that you visit Santa Marta. It is the most beautiful snowcapped mountain near the sea.
It is a high mountain with the most beautiful landscapes you can imagine. It has eco-hotels and spas.
There you can relax, go hiking, scuba diving and more.
People are funny and easygoing.
You can visit Santa Marta any time of the year and enjoy natural places such as beaches and rivers.
You can eat traditional food from the region.
I recommend you visit San
Andres Islas , It is one of the
most beautiful islands in my
opinion of Colombia, There the
sea is of 3 colors and have
very beautiful private islands,
Also on its beaches they serve
very rich typical meals, On the
beaches you can ride a jet ski,
you can rent yachts to go
offshore, you can visit the
tourist sites of San Andrés
such as the cave of Morgan or
the aquarium where you can
see fish
It is a very nice island its sea is
impressive and has very nice tourist
sites such as the aquarium and
Morgan Cave and its sunsets in the
sea are very beautiful
It has very elegant and fine hotels
with buffets and stunning sea view
also has swimming pools and
private beaches.
there you can relax, go to the sea,
and go to bars and restaurants
you there you can relax, go to the
sea, and go to typical bars and
people are very friendly and very
attentive in general on the island
people welcome tourists very
well and treat them very well
you can visit San Andrés at any
time of the year it is ideal to go
since the weather does not vary
much but in low season it would
be much cheaper to go
you can eat the typical food there
that would be seafood or variety
of fish or rice with coconut that is
very typical on the island.
When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as follows:

1. Click on “Ver Evidencia” button.

2. Attach the file which must be previously saved on the computer.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please, make sure you upload the two (2)
files when submitting your evidence.
Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor los archivos a través de la plataforma, así:

1. Clic en el botón “Ver Evidencia”.

2. Adjuntar el archivo el cual debe estar previamente guardado en el equipo.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).

Importante: la plataforma solo le permitirá hacer un envío de las evidencias. Por favor asegúrese de adjuntar los
dos (2) archivos durante la entrega.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you
have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje con el fin de
verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas

Criterios de evaluación
Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

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