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Group 1:

- Nguyễn Thái An (2011700144)

- Nguyễn Mỹ Việt Anh (1811701224)
- Phạm Nguyễn Tú Anh (2011700258)
- Trịnh Minh Anh (1711700636)
is the surgical removal of the appendix

is the surgical removal of the gallbladder

inflammation of the gallbladder

is the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts

a gradual, steady increase in loudness

gradually reducing force or loudness

Discharge feces form the body

Gas in the gastrointestinal tract

No blood in the stool

Enlargement of the liver.

Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.

Unpleasant sensation in the stomach assiociated with

a tendency to vomit.
Physical examination

Past medical history

Occurring after a surgical operation ( after surgery )

Rule out

Enlargement of the spleen

is the surgical removal of the tonsils

1.Describe the location of the gallbladder in relation to the

The gallbaldder is a pouch that stores the bile

produced by the liver. And the gallbladder
located under the liver.
2.Why did the patient undergo the cholecystectomy ?

Patient’s abdominal pain began 2 years ago when she first had
intermittent, sharp epigastric pain. And she was diagnosed as
having cholecystitis with cholelithiasis.
3.What were the patient’s prior surgeries ?

Her PMH includes tonsillectomy, appendectomy, and the

4. How does the patieint’s most recent postoperative
episode of discomfort (gain) differ from the initial pain
she describe?

When she first had intermit-tent, sharp epigastric pain. Each

episode lasted 2–4 hours. And her postoperative course was
uneventful until 4 months ago when she began having
continuous, deep, right-sided pain.

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