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What is the idea or solution you have worked on?

• The idea initially raised in relation to the deficiencies presented in the

store are the installation and implementation of an information
system (MYTOOLS), which provides purchase services, sale, delivery
times, stock, making quotes to customers, openings, closings cash and
accounting in general. In this way, increase the production processes
of the store, increase its efficiency, relationship and opinion of
customers in front of the store.
What are its main characteristics?
• It is an application that allows you to check in real time the latest
purchase movements, store sales, delivery times, stock and making
quotes to customers, it is useful in situations of customer collection
and payments to suppliers, transfers between different accounts, cash
openings and closings, general accounting, thus ensuring a systematic
control of the different sections of the system identified above.
How has the process been for its development?
• The process has been difficult from the perspective of a first
experience, learning the design of an information system from the
beginning is a complicated task, the coding processes, interface
design, modulation, among other key aspects have been gradually
giving results, continuous progress and help from teachers have been
essential for its development.
What advantages or benefits can this idea or
solution bring?
• The advantages and benefits are outstanding due to the automation
of processes that would be achieved with the implementation of the
software, currently the store handles most of its production processes
in a practical and manual way, with this solution the store will take a
big step in all and each of its services to the client.
For what reason did you decide to work with that
idea or solution?
• I decided to work with this idea due to a previous analysis of the
situation in the store, I analyzed the possible solutions and in the end
I decided to develop a system according to their needs, covering each
of their shortcomings and adjusting to their budget.
Some images about the advance
Forms Database
Graphic interface
Graphic interface

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