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Let’s kick phrasals ass!

1. through: let’s kick through the city, there must be fun things to do! (Ir por alli,
recorrer, andar por)
2. Back: let’s kick back the beach and enjoy the sight! (to stop doing things and
3. Apart: If you kick the door apart, You’ll pay for that. (romper, tirar a patadas,
4. Ass: My older brother always kicked my ass in Mario Kart.
• EAT…
1 OFF: It’s a cow’s nose and people probably eat off this thing. (comer de –eso-)
2 OUT: there’s a new restaurant, we should eat out tonight. (salir a comer)
3 BY: He cried a lot, could not eat by mouth, and had poor muscle control. (comer
por –la boca-)

1 UP:I will be working with Mr Paulson to head up that red team. (to lead)
2 FOR: When I say go, head for the kitchen. (ir, dirigirse a )
AGAINST: Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories per hour. (golpear
la cabeza contra)
• END…
1 UP: Child workers often end up as unemployed, unskilled youth. (terminar)
2 IN: We all know Miss Helen’s relationships eventually end in disaster. (terminar
3 OFF: Partying was a really nice way to end off the three days vacation. (concluir)

• GO…
1 ON: What’s going on here? (ocurrir, pasar)
2 IN: Look, you can't go in there. (entrar)
3 AT: I know where you go at nights. (ir a lugares a ciertas horas: lunch, 10 am, this
1 DOWN: Go check down there. –that road, door, way-(REVISAR)
2 OUT: Check this out, they are looking for a new manager at the City bank, it’s my
3 UP: mom, I am 15! you don’t need to check up on me every minute. (vigilar,

1 OFF: the plane took off at 10 am
2 OF : All right, I can take of myself. (cuidar de)
3 IN: Listen, your son died and I know this is a lot to take in, but you’d better calm…
(procesar, entender, comprender….)

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