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Name: Jhon Isaac S.

Strand/Grade/Section : STEM 11-B
Letter B solution and presentation
 Find the equation of the cable wire, assuming that the origin is the lowest
point of the cable.

Use the form ax^2 + bx + c = y; lowest point is at

origin; c = 0

Two given points: x= -120; y = 60 and x =

+120; y = 60

-120^2a - 120b + 0 = 60
+120x^2 + 120b + 0 = 60
So we have a 2 equation then the next
Step is elimination.
Use elimination
14400a - 120b = 60
14400a + 120b = 60 Addition eliminates b, find a
28800a = 120 So the greenline
a = 120/28800 represent as a bridge.
a = .004167

Find b using 120^2(.001467) + 120b = 60

60 + 120b = 60
The equation: y = .004167x^2
Using the equation, find the width of the rope at a point 38 meters above its
lowest point.

Calculate, find x when y=38

.004167x^2 = 38
x^2 = 38/.004167
x^2 = 9119.3
x = 
x = +95.5
x = -91.5
the length of the rope then, 2(91.5) = 191 ft
Blue line is the 38 ft above.
Suppose a 180 meters rope will be tied horizontally to the cable
wire. How high above the lower point of the cable wire should the
rope be?

x will be half of 180, +/-90

y = .004167(90^2)
y = 33.75

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