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Selecting the Research Topic

1. brainstorm for ideas

2. read general background information
3. focus on a manageable topic

4. make a list of useful keywords

5. be flexible

6. define your topic as a focused research question

Writing the Thesis Statement
Thesis statement - a statement that contains the main idea of
the research and is found at the end of the paper’s introduction; the
foundation of the research paper
 the controlling/limiting idea of the research paper summed up in one or two sentences
 presents the researchers’ distinct position on the topic

 provides the logic of the research paper

formula: specific topic + specific opinion = thesis statement

Characteristics of an Effective Thesis Statement
1. is never a question
2. is never a list
3. is not vague, combative, or confrontational
4. has a definable and arguable claim
5. is clear and specific as possible
Steps in Writing a Thesis Statement
1. Create a specific question for your topic.
2. Answer the question by adopting/stating your position.
3. List arguments (at least three) that will support your answer.
4. Combine the answer to the question and the arguments into one
sentence. Sample topic: physical education
Specific question: Should physical education be mandatory?
Answer (position): Physical education should be mandatory:
Arguments: Physical education helps students to (1) stay healthy, (2)
think clearly, and (3) learn cooperation.
Thesis statement: Schools should require students to participate in
physical education as doing so will keep students healthy, improve school
performance, and help students learn to cooperate.

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