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Teks Procedure

By : Octaviola Nuansa R/25/9E

Crispy Hash
Brown Recipe

● 3 tbsp olive oil

● Canola oil or grape seed oil
● 1 lb russel baking potatoes
● Peeled and grated
● Salt and pepper
Method Add the grated potatoes
on the hot frying pan ;

1 3
spread them outalong the
bottom of the pan.
Heat 3tbsp of oil in a large
Sprinkle some salt and
frying pan on medium
pepper on the potatoes.If
they have been fried to
golden brown,they are
Squeeze out as much ready for a flip.Continue
moisture as you can from to cook until they are
the grated potatoes.Its golden brown on the

easier to do this with bottom.
potatoes ricer.If you don’t You can describe the topic
have it,you can use paper

of the section here.
towel to squeeze it.
Put them on the serving
plate. Serve for 4 people.
Thank u <3

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