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de soi et rapport
à autrui

File 12: Fans of

American series

Key question:
How do
American series
people’s lives?
1. To understand fans’ attachment to their favorite TV shows and the
arguments they use to justify this bond.
2. To examine the constructive and destructive effects of binge-watching
on people’s intrapersonal, interpersonal and professional lives.

3. To find out about the ways fans express their admiration for their
favorite TV series and the pleasure it entails.

4. To see how consumption of TV series can be transformed from a mere

hobby into an addictive habit.

5. To find out how the message imparted by one TV show can change
one’s mind about a certain topic .
Final Task
Record a video
for your YouTube
channel about the
influence of TV
series on your life.

Speak about
your passion to
your viewers.
Let’s explore the world of TV series

• Do you recognize these logos? What’s

common about them?
To what extent are you a TV series fan?
Can you identify these shows’ names and genres?
Document A
Barb’s mural
Document B
Document C

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