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Starting – the art of positioning

 Risk management – balance between how
conservative or aggressive you want to be
 Is the line biased
 Favoured end of the line for wind pressure
 Create a strategy & discuss
 Priorities
Close to favoured end
Have some space below
Hold a clear lane on desired tack – follow strategy
Use subsequent shifts

 Variables
Current Race Strategy
Line bias
Risk Management
 Courage to take risks
 Assess Risk
High risk – congestion, big spaces
Less risk – prospective gain vs loss
Successful Starts

Avoid fleet density Acceleration

Unique strategy-
Position to line
starting routine

Skills to manoeuvre Balancing Risk

Before the Start....

 Gather your wind readings

 If light don’t go to far away
 Tide, current
 Find your fast settings
 Research the line
 Bias, line length, transits
 Check laylines to line
 Double check before the countdown
 Biased End of the Line
Heavily Biased
Steady wind – less changes
Matches Strategy
 Non Biased End
Small bias
Avoid congestion
Shifty wind
Matches Strategy
Start sequence & flags
Tactics – Golden Rules
 Start – gap to leward, bow on bow
 Sail clean
 Sail Fast - ? How can we make the boat faster
 Minimize tacking
 Cross when you can Keep it simple
 No micro battles – Big Picture Communicate
clearly & listen
 Extend from fleet
 Stay between mark and competition

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