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 Alan Mathison Turing was born in 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954. hewas an
English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, and theoretical biologist.
He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science,
providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the
Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose
computerTuring is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer
science and artificial intelligence.

We choose him because we believe that he made the first modern computers.
Today people always use computer in the daily life, if there is no Alan Turing,
today there isn’t a computer or laptop.
• Alan Turing was a logician, mathematician and computer scientist. He is generally known for his work
in artificial intelligence and computer science.
• Turing was born in London in 1912, and at school was able to solve complex problems without having
been taught them.
• In 1936, he came up with the idea of a machine that was able to compute anything that could be
computed. This was known as the Turing Machine and led to the modern computer.
• During World War 2, Turing worked at Bletchley Park and was involved in breaking the German
Enigma Machine codes.
• During the late 1940s he worked in the University of Manchester in mathematics and computing. His
experiment, the Turing test tried to devise an intelligence standard for technology.
• In 1948 he wrote a chess programme for a computer that had yet to be invented. He also published
several important papers on mathematical biology.
• He worked on standards for machines to be called intelligent. The same principle is used today
in online CAPTCHA tests, which determine whether a user is a person or a machine.
• Turing committed suicide in 1954, by eating an apple containing cyanide. He was fascinated
with the Disney cartoon version of Snow White which features a similar idea.
• Alan Turing has been named as one of the 100 most important people of the 20th century. A
Manchester road is named for him, as are many colleges, and there is an Alan Turing version of

• People believe that he has shortened the Second World War at least 2 years
• He made the first programmed digital computer
• He broke the enigma code
• He regreed as a pioneer artificial intelligence
• he appointed as a hero by queen Elizabeth

I think that Alan Turing is a smart and kind people, beside his deficiency, he can make a
achievement that help his country to reduce the impact fom the World War. And also his
technology helped many people in this era

• Work hard
• Believe in yourself
• Don’t care about people say
• Try to pass your imagination

• Alan Turing’s extraordinary ideas about thinking machines have earned him status as a modern
hero; he ignited a massive revolution in science, and society still benefits from the technologies
artificial intelligence allows. His work will continue to resonate as it inspires new discoveries,
making him the ultimate leader. Turing’s mechanical brain has certainly changed the world for
the better.

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