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Directions: Role-play any of the following situations and show how

you can initiate a conversation with a stranger or strangers.

1. You are a new student in class. After dismissal time, you saw two
of your female classmates outside the school building talking to
each other. You wanted to ask about the classes you missed and how
you could cope with the lessons. You approached them but they
suddenly turned and whispered to each other. How will you initiate
a conversation with them without showing that you are offended by
their actions?

Directions: Role-play any of the following situations and show how

you can initiate a conversation with a stranger or strangers.

2. It was your first time to fly to a foreign country and the trip
takes about eight hours. You wanted to know how to get to
your destination from the airport. You were fortunate to be
seated beside a foreign national. He is not so proficient in
English and you have difficulty understanding his accent. How
will you start a conversation with him?

Directions: Role-play any of the following situations and show how

you can initiate a conversation with a stranger or strangers.

3. You are scheduled for a job interview. When you arrived at

the place, there was a long queue of applicants. You were the
tenth to be interviewed and you wanted to have an idea about
the questions that were asked. To arrest your fear, you decided
to talk with the other applicants before you. How will you start
the conversation?

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