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Lesson 2

St. John Bosco Academy
• Body Parts
• Importance of Animals
• Basic Needs of Animals

Animal Body

Dog Cat
Body Parts (For Movements)
Animals move from one place to another. They use different body parts to walk, jump, run,
crawl, swim or fly.

Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians

Dogs, tigers, horses, pigs, giraffes, and
cats have one pair of forelimbs and
hind limbs

forelimbs hind limbs

Ducks have
webbed feet that
enable them to
waddle in water
Horses, goats,
sheeps and pigs have
hooves that protect
the ends of their feet
and allow them to
walk easily
Some animals crawl. Snakes, snails, and worms
use their entire body to move, while millipedes
and centipedes use their short legs
Birds, bats, and most insects use their wings
to fly.
Fish use fins, while whales and dolphins use
their flippers. See horse use their tails to
webbed feet to
move on land and
swim in water.
For Getting Food
Animals have body parts that suit the type of food they eat.

Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians

Some animals have
sharp teeth for
cutting and tearing
meat of other
Animals have flat
teeth to eat grass
and plants.
Birds have beaks or bills to pick seeds
and grains and catch small insects.
Insects such as mosquitos and butterflies
have a tube-like structure called
proboscis that allows them to suck blood
or sip nectar.
For Protection
Animals need to protect themselves. This is one way of adapting and surviving in their

Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians

Parts such as horns
on bulls, antlers on
deer and tusks on
elephants are some
examples of defense
Some animals have fangs to fight off predators.
Some dogs have rabies, while snakes have venom
that can hurt or kill their prey or predator.
Insects such as bees and ants have stingers with
poisonous substance.
Some animals use their body covering. they have
thick hair/fur to protect their skin from hot or
cold temperatures.

Fish have slippery scales, while an

octopus squirts blank ink to blind
their enemies.
Crabs, lobsters, and scorpions
use their pincers or claws to
catch other animals for food.
Shells protect the soft bodies of
turtles, snails, crabs, and clams.
Let's practice!
Fill in the blanks with the missing body parts or functions such as getting food, movement,
or protection.

Animals body parts function

• butterfly ________ getting food

• cat fur/hair ________
• cow ________ protection
• crab pincers ________
• duck ________ movement
• goat flat teeth ________
• mosquito proboscis ________
• scorpion ________ protection Animals
• sea horse ________ movement
• snail shell ________ BODY PARTS AND


Importance of
Animals Salamander

Crocodile Parrot

Snake Eagle

Source Of Food
Chicken meat and eggs can be eaten. A cow produces milk
that helps strengthen our bones. The milk of cows can also be
made into cheese and other dairy products.
Source of Clothing
Leather bags and shoes are made from the skin of snakes. Wool
from sheep are also used to make wool clothes and jacket
Make work easier

Humans use horses as a form of transportation.

Kalesa is pulled by a horse driven by the
kutsero or the kalesa driver.

Carabaos also provide transportation. they also

help the farmers to plow rice fields.
Security and Assistance
Some animals are trained for security purposes. they
aid security personnel in public places such as malls,
hospitals and airports.

Chicken cluck in the morning which helps us to wake

As Medicine
According to the American Cancer Society,
research studies shows that bee stings have
anticancer properties. They also found snake
venom to be helpful in treating heart disease.
Basic Needs of
Animals need clean
Animals breathe
W in oxygen and
give off carbon dioxide.
Animals need water

Animals use water

W for drinking.
Some animals get their food from
bodies of water.
Animals need water

Some animalsWlike fish, shrimp

and crabs live in water. Other
animals use water to keep their
body cool.
Animals need shelter
& food
Animals needW a place to rest and
be safe. They need food to eat to
help them grow.
Animals need love
and care
There are some ways to care for
pets and farm animals.
Keep them away from harm. Do not put
them with other harmful animals.

Keep their cages and shelters clean.

Wash your pets regularly. This will
keep their bodies clean and free
from fleas.
Give your pets proper kind and
enough amount of food and water.
Take your pets to veterinarians for
regular check ups. have them
vaccinated against rabies and other
Animals such as horses, cows, and
dogs help you do your work. Give
them proper rest.
Treat animals with respect and
compasion. Do not harm them. Never
provoke them to attack you.
Let's Practice

Let's answer MDLB on pages 253-254 A only.

Assignment 2.2
Make a story about your favorite pet.
Describe your pet. the food it eats, and
the place it stays in. Tell how you take
care of your pet and how important it is
to you.
study lesson 2.2 in
google classroom.
prepare for a seatwork
next meeting
thank you for listening!

Prepared by: Ms Alicia Perez

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