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What is Erosion?
 Moving of rock material from one place to a new

 Agents of erosion:
• Flowing water
• Waves
• Gravity
• Wind
Agents of Erosion

 Water: Most influential force in erosion

– Moves materials
– Transports large objects with fast moving streams
– Wears away rocks:
• rivers
• lakes
• oceans
Agents of Erosion

 Wind: Responsible for wearing away rocks

– Most effective in moving loose material
– Wind causes small particles to be lifted and moved away
– Occurs in areas where there is not enough rainfall
Agents of Erosion

 Wave: Relentless pounding

– Erodes softer rocks first
– Energy of waves and chemical content of the water
erodes the rock of the coastline
Agents of Erosion

 Gravity:
– Downward movement of rock due to the force of gravity
What is Deposition?
 Laying down of sediment that has been transported by
a medium such as wind, water or ice.

 Process of erosion stops when:

• Moving particles fall out of the transporting
medium and settle on a surface
• Speed of the medium slows or the resistance of
the particles increases
• Speed can be reduced by large rocks, hills etc.
Deposition of rock particles by
running water
 As the speed of the water decreases, the water's ability
to carry sediment also decreases.
 Running water deposits sediments where the slowing
water can no longer move them.
 Largest particles are deposited near the shore.
 Increasingly smaller particles settle out farther from
the shore where the water is calmer.

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