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Flowering Plants an

Flowering Plants
Angiosperms are flowering plants that have seeds
enclosed within fruits. The term angiosperm means
“enclosed seed” or “covered seed.” Seeds within
a fruit are protected by the fruit to allow for
dispersal.Most of them are:

Reproduce by seeds
Have root,stem and leaves.
90% species of plants on the earth are angiosperm.
Classification of Flowering plants
Angiosperms (flowering plants) can be divided
into two categories, Monocotyledons (monocots) and
Dicotyledons (dicots).
Monocot and Dicot
Differences between Monocot and Dicot
Embryo with two
Embryo with single cotyledons
cotyledon . Leaves with branched
Leaves with parallel veins.
veins. Flower parts in multiples
Flower parts in multiples of four or five
of three Major leaf veins
Major leaf veins parallel reticulated
Monocot and Dicot

Conifers are Gymnosperms.
They are not flowering plants.

They are cone-bearing seed plants with vascular tissue.

All living conifers are woody plants, and most are trees.
Conifers belong to the
gymnosperms, including those
trees whose seeds are not
enclosed inside a fruit.
Gymnosperm means 'naked
They are known as trees that
have needles instead of leaves.
Most of them are evergreens,
meaning they don't lose their
needles in the winter and they
stay green all year round.
And most importantly, conifers
produce pinecones. They
produce seeds inside the cones.
Answer in the Chat box
1.Fill in the blanks:
a. Plants Transport system is called _vascular system________ bundle.
b. Christmas tree is a ___conifers_________ , it produces
_____cones______ without producing ___seeds______.
c. Wheat plant is a __monocot_______, it’s leaves have parallel veins.
d. Hibiscus flower has five petals and it belongs to the
______dicot_____ group.
2. Give 2 examples of the following plants:
(i) Conifer: pines, redwoods
(ii) Dicot: magnolias, roses,
(iii) Monocot: orchids , palm trees.

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