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Sources of Finance

By Rahul Varshan S S

● My enterprise ‘Thoplin DE Papel’ is a Multi-Cuisine Restaurant which is owned

by 4 partners along with me.
● We sell High Quality Meal at cheap prices.
● We are planning to sell meal for at least 100 people at a price of around ₹120-
150 each.
● So, Our approximate investment would be ₹12,000-15,000.
Potential Sources of Finance

● Personal Savings
● Investment from Family and Friends
● Crowdfunding
Personal Savings
● A small Investment in a business normally paid back with interest.

● I don’t need approval to use my own money
● I get all my invested money plus the interest if I’m Successful.
Investment from Family and Friends
● A small investment in a business normally paid back with interest.

● Family and Friends are always keen to support me and my enterprise.
● They charge lower interest (Sometimes No Interest) than banks and lenders.
● I could take some extra time to give them their money back even if there is a
loss because they can understand my situation.
● Using websites and Social media to encourage large numbers of people to
invest small amount of money in return for a Stake in the company.


● Although each person invests only a small amount of money, those

investment can raise a large sum for my enterprise
● I chose Investment from Family and Friends because This source of finance
has the most advantages that were already discussed and the least
disadvantages and risks.
● I didn’t choose Personal Saving because Me and Partners should have the
same money or there could be conflicts while giving the importance/deciding
power to the guy who invested the most. If the enterprise fails I lose all the
money i had in hand.
● I didn’t choose Crowdfunding because. I don’t have a Large following on
social medias and also, the Ones who follow me are not the people who
would support me too. And I would lose my reputation if i fail in my enterprise.
Thank you

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