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The map of radioactive contamination of Chernobyl

 Organize periodic monitoring of radiation

environment (RE) under normal nuclear power
plant operation for objective demonstration of
RE conditions safety for population and
environment, and for identification of
anomalies and trends of RE used in assessing
the prospects for further nuclear power
development in the region;
 Carry out operational control over the
development of RE in abnormal and
emergency situations in order to assess the
extent of radioactive releases (discharges) and
to predict their impact on NPP neighborhood
and the whole region (taking into account
hydrometeorological and other factors that
influence the course of the radiation pollution
 Control RE in the post-accident period for
refining the models of the radioactive
contamination spreading in the environment,
identification of the effectiveness of measures
undertaken for decontamination and prediction
of limits and terms of RE normalization.
Расположение СИЧ «Скринер» в Украине
В системе диспансеризации
населения применяется
более 200 комплексов

«Скринер» на территории СНГ

The automated complex for express estimation of organism radionuclide

“Scrinner “- system of operating definition of radioactive sources in an organism;

•detection super-low activities of radionuclides in a body of the person, route of entering of nuclides - air, water and food);
•control of efficiency of the ascent of nuclides;
•mining measures on drop of a radioactive load

“Scrinner “- Is intended for performance of gaugings containing incorporated radionuclides in a body of the person.
The complex operatively allows:
•to determine a quantitative and qualitative structure of radionuclides and their activity in hole body of the person;
•to conduct fast monitoring of hole body on availability in it super-low activities of radionuclides;
•to estimate personal radioactive doze load;
•to tap critical groups (groups of risk) with the heightened contents of radionuclides; to select the most effective sorbate drugs or other techniques of
the ascent of nuclides from an organism.
The characteristic:
recorded radionuclides: I, Am, Сs, Co, Ru, K etc. The minimum detective activity 250-400 Bq

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