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The life of giraffes

The little giraffe was born.

The giraffe, at birth, is approx. 2 meters, and

males can grow up to 5 and a half meters,
plus their 2-meter-long neck. The giraffe calf
falls to the ground from a height of 2 meters
at birth. Newborn giraffes start walking after
about 1 hour.
The giraffe family

Giraffes live in groups of 10 to 20 people,

they are the highest and longest-necked land
creatures. In small teams, a male has one or
two females with his calves.
The language of the
• The color of the giraffe's tongue is bluish-
black so that the sun cannot burn it and it
can be 45 cm long. It is very hard and
appears to be impenetrable to the thorns
in the eaten foliage.
The resting time of the

• Of the mammals, giraffes sleep the least,

their need for sleep is 2 hours, but they do
not sleep during this short period of time
at all, but only fall asleep for 5-10 minutes.




The gireffes fur

• All specimens of each giraffe are spotted,

but the color of the coat, the sizes and
contours of the spots vary from
subspecies, and the pattern varies from
individual to individual. The base color
may be sandy, light brown or yellowish,
with spots ranging from yellow to maroon.
The giraffes

• It is very special when

you want to take
something off the
ground or want to
The giraffe’s diet

• The giraffe spends most

of the day eating,
needing 34kg of food a
day to maintain its huge
body. It produces a
dense saliva that makes
it easier to swallow
thorns. They are plant
Special features
of giraffes

• Giraffes are hearty

creatures; literally.
They need a 12-pound
heart and high blood
pressure to keep from
fainting when they lift
their heads off the
Funny pictures

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