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Evidence 1: Dialogue “Evaluating product and service”

Elaborado por:

Eliana Andrea Suárez Porras

Paula Andrea Ruiz Carmona
Marlys Hernández Urango
Sena (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje).
Negociación Internacional
Centro de Servicios Financieros.
Ficha 1667880

Eliana: Good morning Sebastián, ¿How are you?

Sebastián: Good morning Eliana, I am somewhat worried to tell the truth.

We have some complaints from several clients and I would like to analyze them as
soon as possible.

Eliana: You notice the worry on the face. If I am sincere now it is I who is
worrying, ¿what is happening?

Sebastian: Some customers are quite upset about the delivery times that are
promised in the company and that ultimately are not met. This is causing us to lose
money, since we have had to make some discounts to keep the client, but this cannot
continue happening.

Eliana: ¡What a worry! ¿What would be the strategy to implement and the process
to apply it?
Sebastian: I have analyzed each of the delivery processes and came to the
conclusion that everything starts in the area of packaging and shipping.
In the area of packaging, there are delays since we do not have a state-of-
the-art technology that speeds up the processes and therefore the delivery is
delayed. Conveyors have been hired that are not suitable for carrying out our
dispatches to the ports and therefore the departure of the vessels will be
much later.

Eliana: We must propose solutions for this but as soon as possible.

Sebastian: I have made the decision to hire a transporter according to our

needs and I have already made the budget for the new packaging machinery,
only your signature is missing.

Eliana: To execute this process you need an excellent human resource,

¿have you thought about that?

Sebastian: Of course, do some interviews and today hire the best personnel
specialized in the management of the technology that we will implement
from now on. This will save us costs and meet delivery times.
Eliana: ¡Fabulous! We need to implement what you have done as soon as
possible, you are a great employee, who thinks about everything and more
than everything for the benefit of the company

Sebastian: Thank you for the vote of confidence and I will roll the
company as soon as possible.

Sebastian: I will see her very soon, that tempts a great day.

Eliana: Great day Sebastian


Business: Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a benefit, especially that
which consists in carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling merchandise or

Streamlining : Proceso por el cual se da una explicación racional a una forma de

comportamiento o a un sentimiento cuya causa se desconoce.

Efficient : That performs or fulfills a job or function perfectly.

Processes: Processing or set of operations to which a thing is submitted to elaborate or

transform it.

Improving: Make one thing better than it was.

Team: Group of people who organize to carry out an activity or work.

Map the Process : Image result for process map

A process map is a value diagram that represents, as a graphic inventory, the processes of
an organization in an interrelated way.

Analyze: Analyze is an eminently intellectual action characteristic of human beings and

that involves the performance of an analysis on a particular subject or matter of interest.
Redesign : scheme or configuration; of a planning; of the original idea or disposition of
something; or the way a thing has.

Acquire Resources: The process of acquiring resources is intended to provide us with the
project team and the technical equipment, materials and other resources to carry out the
project. The key benefit of this process is that it helps us and guides the selection of
resources and their allocations according to the respective activity. It is a process that
occurs during the life of the project.

Implement and Communicate Change: Communication is essential for the success of

projects, allows technological changes to occur more effectively and aligned with the
strategic objectives of a company.

The important thing is to keep in mind that the communication strategy is fundamental to
inspire, motivate, align and involve the people who participate in the changes.

Key Points: Points on which an analysis of the company is based and thus define them
well before implementing some solutions or strategies on them.

Thanks to Sebastián Restrepo Suárez for helping us with the

interpretation of the dialogue

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