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• Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?

Our seminar
is about to begin. Please have a nice seat. Thank you very much for
preparing yourself to join our seminar.
• Thank you Mr. Suherman for your warm welcome
• Respectable the Head of Management Study Program Faculty of
Economics Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Mr. Dr. Suherman, MSi
• Distinguished speaker Professor Jay R. Ritter
• The honorable all Participants of this seminar, (Dear Students,
Academics and Practitioners)

• Good evening, Assalaamualaikum,

• Ladies and gentlemen,
• I’m Titis Fatarina Mahfirah, the moderator of today’s seminar. I’m very
pleased to see you here and welcome all of you to this seminar.
Today’s seminar is about Initial Public Offerings. 
• Ladies and gentlemen, before we begin this seminar, let me introduce our
speaker today Professor Jay R. Ritter.
• Professor Ritter is a professor of finance from University of Florida.
• Since 1996, Professor Jay R. Ritter has served as the Joseph B. Cordell Eminent
Scholar in the Department of Finance at the University of Florida.
• Prof Ritter is known as “Mr. IPO” for his work on initial public offerings. During
2014-15, he served as president of the Financial Management Association.
• He received his BA, MA, and PhD (1981) degrees in economics and finance
from the University of Chicago.
• His publications have appeared in many top-tier finance journals.
• And he also serves as associate editor in so many reputable journals such as
Financial Management, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Behavioral
Finance and many more.
• Prof Ritter also has conducted hundreds of presentations and professional
meetings around the world, including in Indonesia, of course in our beloved
campus state university of Jakarta on 2010.
• Ladies and Gentlemen,
• Before the presentation begins, let me inform how the
presentation will be going on. First, Prof. Ritter will be invited
to present the material for 1 hour. After that, there’ll be
question and answer session for 25 minutes and followed by
conclusion. And after that we will take some pictures
together before we end this seminar.
• Now allow me to welcome the speaker, Profesor Jay R. Ritter,
Mr, IPO to deliver his presentation.
• Professor Ritter, have you joined us? can you hear me ? are
you ready to deliver the presentation? the floor is yours. 
• Thank you very much Professor Jay R. Ritter for giving us
such informative and interesting presentation.
• Ladies and gentlemen, now come to the question and answer
session. . If you wanna ask, please chat on the box below or
raise hand and directly ask and don’t forget to mention your
name and institution.
• Professor Ritter are you ready to answer the question?
• Ladies and gentlemen,the time is up and we have to move to next
• Ok before we end this event, we will take a picture together. Miss Nur,
are you ready to take our photo? Please miss Nur. Could you please
give us a command. Have you done ? Thank you miss Nur.
• Before I close the seminar, I would like to take the conclusion from what the speaker
has presented.
• IPOs are underpriced everywhere
• Being big is more important than it used to be

• Organic growth takes too long, so trade sales (mergers) have become more popular

• Small publicly traded firms have not been undervalued

• Small firms have been struggling to make money

• Historically, small companies that have gone public have struggled to be profitable,
disappointing public market investors

• The IPO market is part of a well-functioning capital market that collects money
from investors and allocates it to companies that invest in positive net present
value projects
• Ladies and gentlemen, we finally come to the end of this seminar.
• I’d like to thank the speaker for the informative and interesting
presentation and all the participants for the very active participation.
• I also thank the committees who have organized this wonderful event
Finally, give the applause for the speaker and for you all. Thank you.
• Good Night and Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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