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1. Have clean sewing box with complete sewing tools.

2. Wash your hand before working.
3. Assemble all needed materials.
4. Clip or tie your hair while working so you can see your
work clearly.
5. Use the appropriate needle for the right kind of cloth.
6. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag.
7. Use embroidery scissors in cutting thread, not your
8. An elbow length of thread is appropriate to use for easier
9. Work with your hands and not with your lips.
10. Follow the step-by-step procedure.
11. Fold correctly and keep your fabric in plastic after
working each day.
12. Clean your working area before living the room.
1. Before working __________ your hand.
2. To see your work clearly while working __________ your hair.
3.Work with your __________ and not with your lips.
4.Before living the room __________ your working area.
5.Use the __________ needle for the right kind of cloth.
6. Use __________ in cutting thread, not your teeth.
7.Have clean __________ with complete sewing tools.
8.Follow the ___________ procedure.
9.An ______________ of thread is appropriate to use for easier
10Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a _____________.
11.___________ all needed materials.

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