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Emergency & Trauma


Siti Arum Suwanda

Definition Emergency & Trauma

A series of nursing practice activities. namely

fast and precise help to prevent death and
Prevention Goals

1. Prevent death and disability in emergency

patients, so that they can live and function again
in the community.
2. Rout the patient trhrough a referral system to get
a more adequate treatment
3. Natural disaster management
Which Must Be Considered

1. Time : time saving is live saving

2. Officer skill
3. Facilities and infrastructure

Triads in emergency and trauma nursing :

The act of sorting out victims according to their level
of gravity to get priority for action.
Merah : severe condition
Yellow : In moderate condition
Green : mild condition
Black : died

The average salary offered for paramedics

and emergency technicians is Rp. 3
million- Rp. 5 million

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