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Trần Thanh Tuyện
Include (v)
The bill includes tax and service.
itinerary (n)
We planned our itinerary several
weeks before the trip.
fair (a)
It's not fair on Joe to make him
do all the work!
request (n)
The boss refused our request to
leave work early.
sign (n,v)
He signed for the waiter to bring
him another drink.
fill out a form
The A&N employees obliged to
fill out self-assessment forms.
Verify (v)
The report could not
immediately be verified.
practice (n,v)
Put into practice

How do you intend to put these proposals into

practice, Mohamed?
record (n,v)
I tried to call her, but all I got was a
recorded message saying that she was away
for the weekend.
Invoice (n)
Invoices must be submitted by
the 24th of every month.
expenditure (n)
The expenditure of effort on this
project has been enormous.
process (n)
They have developed a new process for
reimbursing monthly travel expense.
substitute (v)
You can substitute oil for butter
in this recipe.
submit (v)
The developers submitted building
plans to the council for approval.
plan (n,v)
My plan is to sell the house and
buy an apartment.
rent (n,v)
I pay a higher rent than the other
tenants because my room is bigger.
shipping (n)
The cost is $205 plus $3 for
insurance (n)
It is a legal requirement that you
have insurance for your car.
damage (n,v)
 Many buildings were badly damaged during
the war.
 Strong winds had caused serious damage to
the roof.
mandatory (a)
Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs
test before competing in the championship.
inspect (v)
After the crash both drivers got out
and inspected their cars for damage.
engine (n)
My car's been having engine
trouble recently.
flavor (n)
We sell 32 different flavors of
ice cream.
booth (n)
There was a line of people
waiting for the phone booth.
envelope (n)
I folded the letter in half and put
it in an envelope.
express (v,n)
- Please send this letter by express
- Her eyes expressed deep sadness.
suggest (v)
I suggested an Italian restaurant
near the station for the party.
Post office (n)
The password is sent by letter, which the
user has to collect personally from the post
Résumé (n)
She has given us a brief résumé
of the project so far.
Commercial (a,n)
 The commercial future of the company looks
very promising.
 We all ran to get something to eat during the
Turn down (VP)
You can also use Siri to turn the
volume up or down.
Keynote speaker (n)
He is an inspiring keynote speaker, who is
able to motivate audiences of many
different types.
They frequently hold
conferences at that hotel.
The department has arranged an
orientation session.
Impressive (a)
That was an impressive performance
from such a young tennis player.
See you later!

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