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Direct &

Indirect Questions
Both have the same translation.
Divided into yes/no questions and Question
word questions
Both have different function.
Direct uses a question mark.
Direct Yes/No Questions
• Indonesian meaning: Apakah….?
• Aux – subject….?
1) Auxiliary verb-----do, does, & did
Do you like me?
Don’t you understand?
2) Auxiliary be-----is, am, are, was, & were
Are you in need?
Is she always here?
3) Auxiliary modal----can, will, must, should, could, would, etc
Will you marry me?
May I leave you alone?
4) Auxiliary perfect----have, has, & had
Have I said something wrong?
Had she been working hard when I came inside?
Write in English
 Apakah dia (wanita) teman dekatmu?
Is she your close friend?
 Bolehkah aku memanggilmu Honest?
Can I call you Honest?
 Apakah anak perempuan kecilmu berada di dalam saat itu?
Was your little daughter inside at that time?
 Apakah kemaren kamu mengerjakan PR sendirian?
Did you do the homework alone yesterday?
1) Apakah dia (laki-laki) suka musik?
2) Maukah kau menemaniku nanti malam?
3) Haruskah mereka belajar bersama lagi besok?
4) Apakah rumahnya (laki-laki) akan segera di renovasi?
5) Apakah semua siswa sudah setuju dengan program baru kita?
6) Apakah aku sebaiknya pergi ke dokter?
7) Bolehkah aku duduk di depanmu?
8) Apakah ibumu baik-baik saja sekarang?
9) Apakah dia (wanita) sedang memikirkan tentang saya?
Indirect Yes/No Questions
Put whether / if at the beginning of an indirect question.
Whether/if - subject – verb
Indonesian meaning: apakah.....
No punctuation used
Did you miss the train? (direct Q)
the indirect one is…..
whether/if you missed the train
whether/if you missed the train or not
whether or not you missed the train
Change into indirect
 Did you already pay last night?
If you already paid last night
 Does she get the answer?
whether she gets the answer
 Do you usually get a good mark on English?
whether you usually get a good mark on English?
 Will you shut the window?
whether or not you will shut the window
 Do you have money left?
if you have money left or not
 Has she been confused?
if she has been confused
 Can you stay here for a while?
Whether you can stay here for a while
Change into indirect
 Is your brother so closed?
If your brother is so closed
 Does she always go to the campus alone?
whether she always goes to the campus alone
 Has Ann known about my problem?
if Ann has known about my problem
 Would you like to come to my party?
whether or not you would like to come to my party
 Did Jack like being here with you?
if jack liked being here with you
 Can you stay here with me?
if you can stay here with me or not
 Had she better cancel the meeting?
Whether she had better cancel the meeting
Change into indirect
 Are you okay?
 Did she evaluate our worksheets?
 Should she consider that again before the class is over?
 Would you like something to eat?
 Do you still remember me?
 Had your daughter already slept when you entered to her
bed room?
 Are they tired?
 Did she join to your class?
 Is she Farida?
 Did you stay near the new airport?
 Must she buy the book by herself?
 Is she talking to herself?
Write in English
 Saya tidak tahu apakah dia masih single.
 Haruskah kita mengunjungi David lagi nanti malam?
 Ayahku sedang berpikir tentang apakah dia sebaiknya
berangkat ke Jakarta atau tidak.
 Apakah perjalanan ini melelahkan?
 Apakah orang tua itu kaya?
 Dia bingung apakah besok ayahnya akan datang atau
 Masalah besarnya adalah apakah dia bisa menyelesaikan
masalah ini atau tidak.
 Anak laki-lakiku bertanya apakah aku selalu berdoa
 Apakah dua minggu yang lalu Fafa pergi ke Solo?
 Dia tidak mengerti apakah dia harus meninggalkan
tempat ini atau tidak.
Direct Question Word Questions
Wh-word/how ….– aux – subject…?
When (kapan), where (dimana/kemana), who (siapa),
What (apa), which (yang mana), why (mengapa),
how (bagaimana), how many (berapa banyak)...etc
What time is it?
Where does she go?
How could you do that?
What is he?
Except….when asking the subject
Who/what - verb…?
The girl is standing there. → Who is standing there?
The boy went there. → Who went there?
The parrot is flying there. → What is flying there?
The bus is coming. → What is coming?
Indirect Q. word Q.
Wh-word/how… – Subject –Verb…
No punctuation used
Who are you? (direct)
Who you are (indirect)
When did she leave? (direct)
When she left (indirect)
How many books does she want? (direct)
How many books she wants (indirect)
What time is it? (direct)
What time it is (indirect)
Change into indirect
 What are you talking about?
what you are talking about
 Where should she explain the answer?
where she should explain the answer
 How is your wife?
how your wife is
 What will you use?
what you will use
 What do you have?
what you have
 How many times has she come here?
how many times she has come here
Change into indirect
 What’s happening?
what’s happening
 What kind of sentence did she write last night?
what kind of sentence she wrote last night
 How long have you been here?
how long you have been here
 Which method does she always use?
which method she always uses
 Who is climbing over there?
who is climbing over there
 What had she better talk to her mother?
what she had better talk to her mother
Negative Question
To show surprise
Didn’t you hear the bell?
Didn’t you look at his face?
aren’t you still on holiday?

To expect the listener to agree with us

Haven’t we met somewhere before?
Haven’t we discussed it twice?
Didn’t you study hard last night?
Short Answers and Short Questions
Short answers use only auxiliaries after the subject in order
not to repeat something:
Are you working tomorrow? Yes, I am. ( I am working
Do you like music? Yes, I do (I like music)

The short question is not real question. It is to show polite

interest in what someone has said and to keep the
conversation going on.
It rained heavily during our holiday. Did it?
Ann isn’t very well today. Oh, isn’t she?
I’ve just seen Tom. Oh, have you? How is he?
Short answers with ‘so’ and ‘neither’ are in inverted version
I ‘m feeling tired.
So am I. (I’m feeling tired, too)
I’ve never read newspapers.
Neither/nor have I.’ (I haven’t either)

Another expressions of short answers

‘Is she English?’ ‘I think so.’
‘Will Tom come?’ ‘I expect so.’
‘Has Ann been invited to the party?’ ‘I suppose so.’
The negative form depends on the verb used.
I think so - I don’t think so
I expect so – I don’t expect so.
I hope so – I hope not
I’m afraid so – I’m afraid not.
I suppose so - I don’t suppose so or I suppose not.’
The meaning of the following answers
Do you understand?
means I understand
means I don’t understand
Don’t you understand?
means I understand
means I don’t understand
Identify the following whether true or false.
1. She asked me what should she do next.
2. Do you still remember when we are going to have the
final exam?
3. Why you didn’t do your job soon?
4. Doesn’t she belong to our team?
5. Is she always talk like that?
6. Are you going to be there soon?
7. Has she never been inside?
8. Who did meet you last night?
9. I’m confused who is she.
10. Was that film good?
11. She wanted to know what did she do?
12. I don’t think.
13. Yes, It is not.
Identify the following whether true or false.
1. Whom did you visit my sister yesterday?
2. Where are you go?
3. Please tell me what should I do.
4. Yes, I am afraid not.
5. Will you give this message to him.
6. Why don’t you here for a while?
7. Really, I don’t understand whether they’ll be with me.
8. I don’t care with what you will do.
9. Can you explain to me where is nearest petrol station?
10. Will you leave me alone?
11. How many book will you use?
12. I don’t realize what they have done.
13. Talk what do you want to do!
14. Where do she usually stay in Solo?

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