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Interpolasi Spasial


Dr. Muhammad Anshar Amran, M.Si


 Variabel-variabel yang digunakan dalam Pemetaan

Kelautan umumnya mempunyai sebaran nilai yang
kontinu (dalam ruang dan waktu), sementara
pengamatan/ pengukuran hanya dilakukan pada titik-titik

 Bagaimana mengestimasi nilai variabel di suatu titik

tertentu dengan menggunakan data hasil pengamatan/
pengukuran ?


 Data kelautan bervariasi dalam ruang dan waktu :

• Variasi keruangan diamati pada beberapa stasiun
• Variasi terhadap waktu tergambar pada hasil
pengukuran yang dilakukan di stasiun yang sama pada
waktu yang berbeda (time series)
• Variasi keruangan dan waktu dapat mempunyai kisaran
nilai yang berbeda
 Permukaan kontinu v = v(x,y,z,t) akan diestimasi dari
nilai-nilai diskrit vi = v(xi,yi,zi,ti)
 Dibutuhkan data dan model konseptual yang
menggambarkan hubungan antar data sehingga
proses estimasi dapat dilakukan meskipun jumlah titik
pengukuran sangat terbatas.
Data sampling

Method of sampling is critical for subsequent


Regular Random Transect

Stratified random Cluster Contour


• Systematic (regular)
sampling pattern
• Easy
• Samples spaced uniformly at fixed
X, Y intervals
• Parallel lines

• Advantages
• Easy to understand

• Disadvantages
• All receive same attention
• Difficult to stay on lines
• May be biases (out of position)

• Random Sampling

• Select point based on random

number process
• Plot on map
• Visit sample

• Advantages
• Less biased (unlikely to match
pattern in landscape)
• Disadvantages
• Does nothing to distribute
samples in areas of high
• Difficult to explain, location of
points may be a problem
• Cluster Sampling

• Cluster centers are established

(random or systematic)
• Samples arranged around each
• Plot on map
• Visit sample
• Clusters located at random then
systematic pattern of samples at
that location)

• Advantages
• Reduced travel time
• Adaptive sampling

• Higher density sampling where the feature

of interest is more variable.
• Requires some method of estimating
feature variation
• Often repeat visits (e.g. two stage

• Advantages
• Often efficient as large homogeneous areas
have few samples reserving more for areas
with higher spatial variation.

• Disadvantages
• If no method of identifying where features
are most variable then several you need to
make several sampling visits.
Interpolasi Spasial
Spatial interpolation is the process of using points with
known values to estimate values at other unknown
Spatial interpolation is a means of converting point data
into surface data.
z0 ?


y 3
(x 3,y 3)
( x 0,y 0)
1 2
(x 2,y 2)
(x 1,y 1)

 Permukaan statistik
Interpolasi Spasial

Interpolation is the procedure of predicting the

value of an attribute at unsampled site from the
measurements made at point locations within
the same area or region.

Data close together in

space (e.g. elevations) or
time (e.g. temperatures)
are likely to be correlated
Interpolasi Spasial

The unknown value of the cell is

based on the values of the sample
points as well as the cell's relative
distance from those sample points.

In this example, a straight line

passes through two points of
known value. You can estimate the
point of unknown value because it
appears to be midway between the
other two points. The interpolated
value of the middle point could be
Global/Local Interpolations
 Global:
• global interpolators determine a single function which is mapped
across the whole region. Global method uses every control point
available to make the estimate of the unknown value
• a change in one input value affects the entire map

 Local:
• local interpolators apply an algorithm repeatedly to a small
portion of the total set of points. Local method uses a sample of
control points for estimation.
• a change in an input value only affects the result within the
Metode Interpolasi 13

Thiessen polygon – Voronoi Tesselation






Sampled locations and values Thiessen polygons

Statistical prediction

Point Northing Easting Elevation

0+00 110.0 150.0 ?
1 70.0 140.0 115.4
2 115.0 115.0 123.1
3 150.0 150.0 113.8
4 110.0 170.0 110.5
5 90.0 190.0 107.2
6 180.0 210.0 131.78
• The sample mean (expectation) is:
 Zi
i 1 115 .4 123.1 113 .8 110 .5 107.2 131.78
Z         116 . 96 m
n 6 6 6 6 6 6
• The Standard Deviation is (How far away are the values from the mean
n 2

 (z i  z)
S .D.  i 1
 8.23 m
n 1
Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation
(Interpolasi Kebalikan Jarak Terbobot)
• The Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation assumes that each point
has a local influence that diminishes with distance.
• Procedure:
1. Compute distances to all the points in the dataset
2. Compute the weight of each point.
• Weighting function is the inverse power of the distance.

1 P0 Unknown

i 

) 22.9

i 1 di 240

• 3. Compute the weighted average: 170

Zˆ ( X 0 , Y0 )   i  Z ( X i , Yi )
i 1
IDW example
Points Distance
1 41.23
2 35.35
3 40.0
4 20.00
5 44.72
6 92.19

Use inverse distance interpolation to calculate point 0

IDW example
Points Distance
1 41.23
2 35.35
3 40.0
4 20.00
5 44.72
6 92.19
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

i 1 d

41 .23

35 . 35


20 .00

44 .72

92 .19
 0.16

1 1 1
1  41.23  0.15 2  35.35  0.17 3  40.0  0.155
0.16 0.16 0.16 • Sum of  =1
1 1 1 • 4 is the highest
4  20.0  0.31 5  44.72  0.139 6  92.19  0.067 • 6 is the lowest
0.16 0.16 0.16
IDW example
Point Northing Easting Elevation
No. n
0 110.0 150.0 ? Zˆ ( X 0 , Y0 )   i  Z ( X i , Yi )
1 70.0 140.0 115.4 i 1
2 115.0 115.0 123.1 n
3 150.0 150.0 113.8  i  1
4 110.0 170.0 110.5 i 1
5 90.0 190.0 107.2
6 180.0 210.0 131.78

Z 0  0.15  115.4  0.17  123.1  0.15  113 .8  0.31  110 .5  0.139  107.2  0.06  131.7

Z 0 (150,110 )  112 .36 m

Linear interpolation using TIN

We want to compute the value Zp at point P inside a triangle,

using the three surrounding points P1,P2,P3 with the values Z1,
Z2, Z3 respectively.
Zp =1*Z1+  2*Z2+  3*Z3

The unique weights  1,  2,  3 are called the convex

coordinates (or barycentric coordinates) of P and can be
computed using various methods
Linear interpolation using TIN
• Zp =  1*Z1+  2*Z2+  3*Z3

•  1=Area(DPP2P3)/Area (DP 1P 2P 3),

•  2=Area(DP1PP3)/Area (DP 1P 2P 3),

•  3=Area(DP1P2P)/Area (DP 1P 2P 3). p3 p2

• The area of the triangle can be computed from the length of the
edges using Heron's formula:
Area  [s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)]
• when s = (a+b+c)/2 c
Linear interpolation using TIN
Point Northing Easting Elevation
0 110.0 150.0 ?
1 70.0 140.0 115.4
2 115.0 115.0 123.1
3 150.0 150.0 113.8
4 110.0 170.0 110.5
5 90.0 190.0 107.2
6 180.0 210.0 131.78

• Area ( P 1P 2P 4) = 1175.00
• Area ( P2P0P1) = 725.00
• Area ( P 1P 0P 4)= 400.00
• Area ( P 2P 0P 4)= 50.00
•  1 = Area(D P2P0P1)/Area (DP 1P 2P 4) = 0.617
•  2= 0.34;
•  3= 0.042

• ZP = 0.617*110.5 + 0.34*123.1 + 0.042*115.4 = 114.94 m

 Kriging (like IDW) is a weighted
average technique, except that
the weighting formula in Kriging
uses much more sophisticated
math. Kriging measures
distances between all possible
pairs of sample points (that’s
right, all of them) and uses this
information to model the spatial
autocorrelation for the particular
surface you're interpolating.
 In other words, Kriging tailors its
calculations to your data by
analyzing all the data points to
find out how much auto-

Thiessen Polygons IDW

TIN Kriging
• There is no 'best' interpolation algorithm that is clearly
superior to all others and appropriate for all applications.
• The quality of the resulting surface is determined by the
distribution and accuracy of the original data points, and
the adequacy of the underlying interpolation model
• The most important criterion for selecting an
interpolation method are the degree to which
(1) structural features can be taken into account, and
(2) the interpolation function can be adapted to the
varying terrain character.

Tampilan permukaan kontinu pada

penggambaran 2 dimensi :
• Hillshading
• Kontur

 Hillshading illuminates surface features based on

the position of an imaginary light source, casting
shadows that make surface features recognizable.

 Hillshaded relief maps are perhaps the most

realistic looking way of representing a three-
dimensional world in a two-dimensional

Hillshading computes surface illumination as values from 0 to

255 based on a given compass direction to the sun (azimuth)
and a certain altitude above the horizon (altitude).

A contour line is a line following an equal value.

Contours can represent many types of data. Lines connecting surface or
sample points of equal value are known as isolines. The following are
all examples of different types of isolines:
• Isobar: Equal barometric pressure
• Isochron: Connecting lines of equal time
• Isohel: Equal duration of sunshine
• Isohyet: Equal rainfall
• Isoseismal: Earthquake shock intensity
• Isotherm: Equal temperature
• Isogonic: Equal magnetism
Hasil pengukuran batimetri pada titik A, B, C, D, dan E menunjukkan :

Titik Kedalaman (m) Jarak ke titik F (m)

A 27,6 106,2
B B 18,3 72,3
E C 14,2 35,4
D 25,7 X
E 16,3 41,2

X : dua digit terakhir pada NIM

Estimasi kedalaman perairan di titik F dengan metode interpolasi IDW !

Tugas ditulis tangan pada selembar kertas, kemudian difoto. Fotonya

dikirim ke WA-Group Pemetaan A, paling lambat Kamis, 25 Nopember
2021, jam 20.00 WITA.
Tugas yang masuk dijadikan sebagai catatan kehadiran Anda.
Jangan lupa tuliskan Nama dan NIM.

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