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How to break most of the rules

you’ve just learned.
► Be objective, but….root for the home team.
► Be descriptive. Use colorful language.
► Be very aware of everything. Or it’s really
not important who wins the game.
► Be opinionated. They really want to know.
Do’s and Don’ts of Slanguage
► Do use original, colorful words and phrases.
► Do distinguish between legitimate slang and
jargon (birdie, eagle, strike out) and sports
clichés. (split the uprights, local gridiron)
► Do use the actual explanatory word or phrase as
much as possible: Homerun, not cleared the
bases; wrestlers, not grapplers.
► Don’t use forty different verbs for lost or won.
Know your stuff!
Immerse yourself in the sport
• Go to the games
• Watch TV coverage
• Listen to radio play by play
• Talk sports with friends
Sports coverage
Cover every sport
► Girls’
sports as well as boys’
► Losing teams as well as winning teams.
► Recreational sports as well as school sports
So many sports; so little space!
How to cover it all.
► Sports shorts---brief articles that capture
relevant information; provide record of
► Boxes: report scoring records (wins and
► Highlights only
Understanding Sports
► Learn the rules
► Learn the strategies
► Learn the reasons behind the rules and the
► Get to know coaches and players.
► inside information
► interviews
Sportswriting: The good

 Can be more partisan (for the hometeam)

 Can interpret more than news reporters
 Can explain the tension, color, excitement
 Can include writer’s perspective
 Can use more colorful language
Game Story

Take detailed, accurate notes
► Watch for turning points
► Develop easy to read note taking system
► Analyze the story
► May write in a partisan or biased fashion; cannot
be cheerleader.
► May be less more specific in details of game; must
include important details (score)
What about quotations?
► Should be pertinent to the game or contest
► Should not highlight only star players

►Must include quote from coaches


►Action, action we want


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