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KD 3.

Suggestions and obligation

I Should
Should digunakan untuk memberikan saran (suggestions). Yang namanya
saran sifatnya tidak wajib berbeda dengan obligation/kewajiban/keharusan.
S + should + V1( kata kerja 1)
S + Should  be + Adjective/noun/adverb

1-          Susi should drink medicine to get well soon
(Susi sebaiknya minum obat supaya cepat sembuh)
2          You should be calm in the classroom
3          Irman should not eat sweet and hot food.
4         You should bring your dictionary. English is the third  lesson.
5        I should not leave her alone.
6        Should Gibran do the homework? Yes, he should. No, he should not.
(Apakah Gibran sebaiknya mengerjakan PR? Ya. Tidak.)
7          Should we go to the beach? Yes, we should. No, we should not.
- Untuk membentuk kalimata negatif hanya perlu
manambahkan not setelah should
example : I should not leave her alone.

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya kita letakan

should didepan kalimat
Should we go to the beach? Yes, we should. No,
we should not.
1 Robert must wear his  OSIS uniform on Monday.
(Robert harus/wajib memakai seragam OSIS pada hari
2. You must not put on sandals during the school hours.
3. They must not be noisy in the classroom.
4.  She must be on time.
5. Must we obey the school rules? Yes, we must. No, we
must not.
Contoh Dialog Suggestion:

Yanuar : San, Why don’t you join us to do Math homework?

Santi : Sorry Yan, I have a tootache.

Yanuar : Really? You should go to denstist, san. suggestion

Santi : I am afraid

Yanuar : It will be better that you feel it for days and weeks.

Santi : I’ll try. I hope it won’t hurt a lot. Thanks Yan.

Yanuar : You’re welcome. I hope you will get better soon.

Contoh Dialog Obligation:
Dewa : Wi, is it Monday?

Dewi : Yes, it is.  why?

Dewa : Upz, I forget to put on my cap.

Dewi : What? Do you forget that today we will have a flag ceremony? You
must put on you cap Dewa, otherwise you’ll get punishment.
Dewa : Yeah, I think today is Tuesday. I know that. What should I do?

Dewi : Well, you have thirty minutes to go home and take your cap right away.

Dewa : That’s a good idea. I’ll be back soon. Thanks Wi

Dewi : Don’t mention it.

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