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Causative verbs practice

 I don’t think she can her husband buy that expensive car.
 The barking dog the postman run away.
 I couldn’t my sister to wash my dirty overalls.
 Jane will the curtains cleaned at the dry cleaner’s

Make, get, tomorrow.

 Sad movies always me cry.
have, let.  They are their car painted.
 Will you me use your computer?
 She him promise to buy a new car.
 I will my assistant to deliver the papers.
 I my son to make me coffee.
 He was not able to her change her mind.
 Julia’s mom him take out the trash.
 We them to meet each other.
 The rain has the tourists stay in the hotel this morning.
Make, get,  I my hair cut once in 3 months.
have, let.  Did you the grass chopped yesterday?
 Mary’s father won’t her adopt a puppy because he’s allergic
to dogs.
 After Billy broke the neighbor’s window, his parents ______
him pay for it.
 Bob his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
 My ex-boyfriend loved sci-fi and me watch every

Make, get, episode of his favorite show.

 We’re our house painted this weekend.
have, let.  My washing machine is broken; I need to it repaired.
 Don’t the advertising expenses surpass $1000.

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