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Article’s Review

(Terminology & Resume)

Dosen Pengampu: Ns. Mahathir M. Kep., Sp. Kep. Kom

A3 2020

Assyfa Rahmi Fajarita Sgr 2011311042

Figo Renzio Rizal 2011311003
Laila Nadhira 2011312043
Memel Meiyuni 2011313034
Naura Salsabila Afina 2011311015
Qorifa Azzahra 2011312073
Reni Wahyuni 2011311033
Roza Armayuni 2011311051
Tumiar Tamara Nathania 2011313010
Yunita Trisca 2011312007
1. Discharge process
Discharge process is a systematic process of planning the care of patients who have undergone hospital
treatment and have been allowed to go home by doctors.
2. Patient experience
The patient's experience is an individual's condition regarding the picture he/she experienced related to the disease
or injury and the treatment of health workers while he/she was undergoing treatment when he/she was sick.
3. Readiness
Readiness is the overall condition of a person or individual to respond and practice an activity in which contains the
mental, skills and attitudes that must be possessed and prepared during certain activities.
4. Self care
Self-care is one of the basic human abilities in meeting their needs in order to maintain their life, health and well-
being in accordance with their health conditions.
5. Participation
Participation is a person's mental and emotional involvement in achieving goals and taking responsibility for them.
6. Accessibility
Accessibility is a measure of comfort or convenience regarding the way land use locations interact with each other
and how easy or difficult it is to reach these locations through the transportation network system.
Article "The Discharge process- from the patient's perspective" is done to describe the patient
experience of their discharge process from a university hospital in southern Sweden. From the
study, it was found that 5 categories were obtained from the patient's discharge experience which
is first, accessibility. Patients experience a lack of accessibility when they have questions about
changes to their treatment and explanations for those changes. Second, information, there is a
lack of information related to treatment, about illness, side effects of disease/drugs before they
were sent home. Third, communication, when the discharge process often occurs one-way and
fast communication, patient can only listen and receive without being able to provide feedback.
Fourth, self-confidence. Where the trust is important for the patient, where the patient is more
confident if the discharge process is handled by only one doctor without being replaced. And the
fifth, participation, where there is a lack of participation when talking to doctors.
So from the results of the study, we know that there are still many things that need to be
improved in the process of returning patients, especially communication and interaction in the
repatriation process. The discharge process needs to be more individualized and person-centered
which could lead to better patient governance.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

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