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Kyle Williams


Can O’ Town

I found this assignment to be very enjoyable. I like that we used the knowledge that
we used on previous projects to complete this. I also like that we got to bring in
images and graphics. My wife is in graphic design and uses this, with more advanced
software, everyday. I like that it has real world applications and allows everyone to
individualize their work. It took me a little while to figure out how to copy in the
graphics and I had issues with putting my graphics over my text which let to me
retyping much of my text. The hardest part for me was actually cutting off the label,
which I ripped, so the measurements might be a bit off. Overall I think I was
successful with the project and have come along way since the Truss Bridge.

ISTE 2.5.a Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that
foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.

I think this could be used as part of a research project, whether it be for a state
project, biography or about an animal. I like that it incorporated a little bit of geometry
in the beginning as well. You might be able to turn it into a group project as well.
There were a lot of elements to it that could be useful, math, research, writing, and the
use of technology. I feel that it could be used at all education levels. You could have
the students do a rough draft by drawing out their ideas by hand and compare those
to the final computer version. As with all these projects each student is going to come
away with a completely different looking project at the end.

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