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Kyle Williams


Music In You

My MI results: Nature 4.14, Self 3.71, Social 2.86, Language 2.71, Spatial 2.57, Math
1.86, Musical 1.43. I was not too surprised with these results. As I love being in
nature, especially with my family. My family and I have been on multiple road trips
and try to get as many National Parks as we can. I observe the multiple intelligences
in my children, especially as my oldest enjoys reading while my youngest loves to sing
and dance. It was very interesting to hear Gardner speak about how he feels school
should be taught differently.

Music was my lowest score which shows that the rest of this project was a little more
difficult for me. But it turned out the hardest part being the formatting of the text and
chords. Which I think I was able to overcome. I actually found this project very
enjoyable at the end.

1.6.b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital

resources into new creations.

First off I think that it is a great idea for students to take the MI test to see where the
class and individuals score. You maybe able to adapt your teaching style to better fit
the class.
This project required a little bit of creativity and research. I think it would make a great
assignment. You could have all the students pick different songs so they are better
able to express their individual style. Or you could assign one song and see all the
variety of lyrics that you get. Maybe extra credit if a student is willing to perform their
song. It could also be used as a teaching method, for younger students, to get them
engaged in a topic.

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