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Summary Coming of age
Its about two academic overachievers Amy and Why I love the movie:
Molly that thought keeping their noses to the
grindstone gave them a leg up on their high school I love the movie because of the director/actress,
peers. But on the eve of graduation, the best friends Olivia Wilde, and her non-heteronormative way of
suddenly realize that they may have missed out on Buddy comedy portraying characters in her films and movies, and I
the special moments of their teenage years. also like her because of the other films she’s starred
Determined to make up for lost time, the girls and made like Richard Jewles, Her, etc. But for me
decide to cram four years of not-to-be missed fun this movie is one of her best drama/com movie yet
into one night -- a chaotic adventure that no amount cause of its light hearted take in teenage
of book smarts could prepare them for. consequences and its semi-realistic way of showing
that anyone can be smart and fun at the same time.

Other films/movies
Starring Olivia Wilde

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